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The Gut Health Protocol: A Nutritional Approach To Healing SIBO, Intestinal Candida, GERD, Gastritis, and other Gut Health Issues (English Edition) eBook Kindle
Second Edition!
“THANK YOU !!!! I have been suffering from IBS and SIBO for years .... I came across your "gut health protocol" and followed it to a T... and I truly have not felt this good in years !!!!!! You have given me my life back !!!!! I never realized how sick I was, and I forgot how a healthy person should feel. I thought I had to live my life feeling the way I did. Not the case at all !! To everyone out there.... read the gut protocol, follow what is suggested...its so worth it !!!” — Jackie A.
“I've been doing John's protocol for the last two months and it has helped immensely with my SIBO. My bloating and stomach distention are pretty much gone, ditto stools pretty much normal and motility much better. I'm not necessarily 100% better, but it's the first thing I've done beside a ridiculously restrictive diet that has actually helped me heal. In fact, previously my diet was slowly becoming more and more restricted. Give it a try, it's good stuff. And, hey John Herron, thank you!” — Michelle M.
“I would like to share that I have had such great success. My gut is probably about 90% better. I realize that it still probably has issues and this is a journey of healing and keeping it well, but I have had no bloating, belching, constipation or diarrhea, and limited moments of soreness. I feel that I am digesting my food and the shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and discomfort in my throat are gone too.” — Berea F.
“I just looked at your latest protocol and I have to say it is totally amazing! It seems more thorough than most of the 5 books I have read. Were/are you something famous for your job?” — Debbie H.
The Gut Health Protocol outlines natural approaches to tackling dozens of stomach and intestinal health issues using only scientifically studied natural herbs, supplements and diet. Supplements commonly available in local health foods stores and at your favorite online retailer. Many common ailments often have gut issues as their underlying cause, conditions such as: recurring stomach aches, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, IBS, acid reflux, nausea, eating disorders, eczema, obesity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and even major depression have all been linked to gut issues. The root of many of these problems can often be traced quite convincingly to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), intestinal candida albicans, h.pylori bacteria overgrowth in the stomach, bacterial dysbiosis throughout the gut or other secondary conditions that these infections cause. The Gut Health Protocol can usually resolve these issues, and without damaging antibiotics or steroids. Even if you choose to go the antibiotic route The Gut Health Protocol can make the treatment more effective and can help prevent serious complications.
Over 1200 published scientific studies are summarized and explained in easy to understand language, over 500 pages long. Unlike many self-help books nearly everything in the book is based on science, not opinion. The author takes all of this brilliant research and translates it to the practical application of healing and caring for our gut.
The book is written in such a way as allow your doctor to easily look up the research to validate the claims and treatment suggestions. No need to take the author’s word for anything, you and your doctor can read the research. It is recommended that everyone works with a doctor to determine a treatment plan.
Though everyone’s condition is different, you can be feeling much better in as little as 2 weeks, naturally and without risky antibiotics.
Be sure visit The Gut Health Protocol support group on Facebook, there are thousands of members just like you, all helping each other.
- IdiomaInglês
- Data da publicação2 abril 2015
- Tamanho do arquivo5.4 MB
Descrição do produto
Sobre o Autor
Detalhes do produto
- Editora : Eagle Stock Publishing; 2º edição (2 abril 2015)
- Idioma : Inglês
- Tamanho do arquivo : 5.4 MB
- Leitura de texto : Habilitado
- Leitor de tela : Compatível
- Configuração de fonte : Habilitado
- X-Ray : Não habilitado
- Dicas de vocabulário : Não habilitado
- Número de páginas : 508 páginas
- Ranking dos mais vendidos: Nº 220.615 em Loja Kindle (Conheça o Top 100 na categoria Loja Kindle)
- Nº 40 em Importados sobre Naturopatia
- Nº 40 em Importados de Naturopatia
- Nº 40 em Importados sobre Doença Abdominal
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Absurdamente grande. Parece libro de texto de primaria. Esta horrible.Avaliado no México em 30 de julho de 2024
1,0 de 5 estrelas Pésimo
A mídia não pôde ser carregada.
ClaAvaliado na Itália em 10 de abril de 2021
5,0 de 5 estrelas Molto ma molto ben fatto!
Sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa da questo libro. È pieno zeppo di informazioni dettagliatissime e accurate. Riporta le fonti, ha dei percorsi terapeutici molto validi, spiega per filo e per segno ogni uso e composizione dei vari prodotti/integratori/oli essenziali/medicinali.
È fenomenale. I gastroenterologi italiani dovrebbero proprio leggerselo.........
B ROMERAvaliado na Espanha em 18 de setembro de 2019
5,0 de 5 estrelas EXCELENTE LIBRO
Jakob GroßAvaliado na Alemanha em 2 de julho de 2017
5,0 de 5 estrelas Ein Muss für alle mit Magen-/Darmbeschwerden & Ärzte
Dieses Buch ist ein Augenöffner. Alle die unter Reizdarm, Sibo, Candida/ Pilzbesiedlung, Sodbrennen, H. Pylori, Gastritis, Durchfall/Verstopfung oder sonstigen Beschwerden, die mit dem Verdauungssystem zusammenhängen,(die neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntinisse zeigen, dass dies sehr viele sind, wie z.B. auch Autoimmunkrankheiten) leiden sollten und müssen dieses Buch lesen. John Herron erklärt fundiert die Hintergründe dieser Beschwerden. Als ehmaliger Leidensgenosse hat er hierfür nicht nur die beste Perspektive sondern auch die richtig Motivation: Menschen mit ähnlich Beschwerden zu helfen. Diese Buch gibt einem die Macht seine Genesung in die eigene Hand zu nehmen! Basierend auf aktuellen und sehr vielen wissenschaftlichen Studien und seiner persönlichen Erfahrung, so wie den Erfahrungen vieler anderer Betroffenen, zeigt er Behandlungs- und Genesungsmöglichkeiten auf, die schonend & ganzheitlich sind und funktionieren! (Diät, fermentierte Lebensmittel, Heilpflanzen, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Lebenswandel). Dieses Buch ist auch sehr empfehlenswert für behandelnde Ärzte, um sich auf den neusten Stand der Wissenschaft zu bringen und um alternative und schonende Behandlungsmethoden in den Praxisalltag zu implementieren. Bevor ich hier noch weiter über den grünen Klee lobe: Kauft dieses Buch! Ihr könnt nur an Gesundheit & Erkenntnis gewinnen.
LindaAvaliado na Austrália em 7 de outubro de 2022
5,0 de 5 estrelas All the info I needed
Gave me information on my problem