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Gurdjieff's Early Talks 1914-1931: In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Essentuki, Tiflis, Constantinople, Berlin, Paris, London, Fontainebleau, New York, and Chicago (English Edition) eBook Kindle

4,7 4,7 de 5 estrelas 71 avaliações de clientes

The talks in this volume are not verbatim transcriptions. In the early years of Gurdjieff's exposition of the fourth way teaching, he rarely allowed notes to be taken during his talks. The majority of his early talks were written down after the fact by pupils who were present, either individually or collectively, and should be taken as recollections of what people believed Gurdjieff to have said.

The provenance of the talks are library archives, private collections, and individuals from all around the world. They have been arranged chronologically and are presented in this edition for the first time in their entirety.

Over one hundred authentic talks, unaltered and unexpurgated.

Illustrated and fully indexed with exercises, sayings and aphorisms.

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Detalhes do produto

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08QQPW9LD
  • Editora ‏ : ‎ Book Studio; 1ª edição (11 dezembro 2020)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglês
  • Tamanho do arquivo ‏ : ‎ 39.0 MB
  • Leitura de texto ‏ : ‎ Habilitado
  • Leitor de tela ‏ : ‎ Compatível
  • Configuração de fonte ‏ : ‎ Habilitado
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Não habilitado
  • Dicas de vocabulário ‏ : ‎ Habilitado
  • Número de páginas ‏ : ‎ 538 páginas
  • Avaliações dos clientes:
    4,7 4,7 de 5 estrelas 71 avaliações de clientes

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  • Dr. Jaime Lozano
    5,0 de 5 estrelas Una joya, formato de primer nivel
    Avaliado no México em 23 de setembro de 2021
    No solo el formato de pasta dura del libro esta precioso, sino que el contenido es único. Una joya para los seguidores de Gurdjieff.
  • Ziprgun5
    5,0 de 5 estrelas THE BOOK. If you want to listen just to Mister Gurdjeff's own words, this is it for the first half of his teaching career.
    Avaliado nos Estados Unidos em 19 de dezembro de 2014
    Incredible piece of work, to reassemble essentially every recorded talk from glimpses of truth which opens Views from the Real World and most of the other pieces there read done with new language much more well guided and remembered by many many people differently so that this volume was an absolute necessity. If you want to hear Mister Gurdjeff speak himself without any interference from Ouspensky or Orage or anyone else, this is the book. My only complaint is the effacement of the symbols that adorned the whiteboard which is half the front cover. It's probably because there are no written explanations in Mister Gurdjeff's words about those particular diagrams that I call the & diagrams. Oh well. Maybe an empty head and an empty whiteboard is the perfect companion to the ideas of Mister Gurdjeff pouring out his life for the world and mankind with no apologies thank you. The single most extraordinary man of the twentieth century in my opinion spare none. THE TEACHER for the new Aion
  • Reijo oksanen
    5,0 de 5 estrelas It can open your eyes...
    Avaliado na Alemanha em 12 de junho de 2014
    This book, after my study of Gurdjieff in theory and practice for more than 50 years, has managed to open my eyes to many of the beauties Mr. Gurdjieff brought to us. I hope it can take place for many others too.

    I am thankful for the publishers from bringing this version out; it lacks the editing that was incorporated into "Views from the Real World", and says many things in the raw Gurdjieff-language, and speaks directly to the reader.
  • Grey Ant
    5,0 de 5 estrelas A Rarity - A Genuine Book On The Teachings Of Mr Gurdjieff
    Avaliado no Reino Unido em 3 de junho de 2014
    'In Search Of The Miraculous' is in itself a remarkable work which can be read many times, yet it is most refreshing after many years to be able to 'hear' some of the teaching presented, as it reached the ears of others present at the same as Mr Ouspensky.

    To any 'follower' of Mr Gurdjieff there will possibly be no new revelations contained within, yet it is valuable anyway to have concepts redefined and different examples of these presented in differing formats. It is always better I feel to hear from close to the horse's mouth than directly from the donkey's tail - I rather suspect that in the future many donkies will be attracted to Mr G's particular well of wisdom and all of them will probably feel duty-bound to educate the rest of us, thus making the efforts of Joseph Azize particularly appreciated.

    The book itself is beautifully bound with a soft satin-touch cover and well laid out. It must have been a major task deciding which material should be included, yet the end result deserves full commendation.
  • Cliente de Kindle
    5,0 de 5 estrelas Un tesoro de sabiduría difícil de encontrar
    Avaliado no México em 30 de novembro de 2015
    Excelente texto para los inteteresados en la enseñanza de Gurdjieff verdadero tesoro de ensayos no encontrados en otra parte,recomendado ampliamente

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