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The Songs of Remembering (English Edition) eBook Kindle
The Songs of Remembering shares the extraordinary collaboration that emerged after a chance encounter at a silent meditation retreat between a hypnotherapist, Ron Amit, co-founder of Illuminated Quantum Healing, and AVA, an alchemical sound artist and mystic.
They quickly realized their unique opportunity and coordinated auspiciously timed sessions to explore how deeply they could dive into the ocean of consciousness. Utilizing Ron's regressive hypnosis method (IQH) combined with AVA's unique ability to access altered states of consciousness, they enhanced AVA's channeling capacity to retrieve insight for the benefit of all beings.
These potent, channeled transcripts obtained over a five-year period reveal a thrilling and intimate transformational journey. Exploring personal and universal struggles and fears, as we learn to align, listen, and fully live our soul's calling.
Embark on an epic adventure through time and space to rediscover lost stories from ancient Earth civilizations and beyond, reaching all the way back to a retelling of our collective origin story. These mesmerizing messages offer guidance for evolution and awakening with refreshing, heart-expanding, paradigm-shifting themes. These transmissions are infused with personal accounts from Ron and AVA that inspire greater devotion to living in alignment with ourselves and this precious planet Earth.
"This book is the beginning. This is the seed to help us burst our hearts' songs open and grow a garden of Eden once more on planet Earth. Practice perfection on purpose, paradise here now. That's what the songs of remembering are for. It's to help us surrender into the perfection that we are and rise as the beautiful stewards of this beautiful paradise on Earth. Earth is paradise. It can be, when we all come together as One and learn to sing our songs together. One beautiful symphony of love."
"You were given a paradise with a body to feel it all in, instead of being endless and formless and boundless. You're given the gift of getting to experience the light of God through an embodied form, to get to touch and to taste and enjoy the five senses and the infinite senses that are beyond the five senses; to share in the beauty and the vibration of love and music and magic and art and connection and play."
Now is the time to remember and to return home inside ourselves.
Now is the time to sing the songs of remembering.
- IdiomaInglês
- Data da publicação7 julho 2023
- Tamanho do arquivo14.7 MB
Detalhes do produto
- ASIN : B0C9G2C385
- Editora : New Earth Ascending; 1ª edição (7 julho 2023)
- Idioma : Inglês
- Tamanho do arquivo : 14.7 MB
- Leitura de texto : Habilitado
- Configuração de fonte : Habilitado
- X-Ray : Não habilitado
- Dicas de vocabulário : Habilitado
- Número de páginas : 513 páginas
- ISBN da fonte dos números de páginas : 1959561197
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H. HolmAvaliado no Canadá em 5 de fevereiro de 2024
5,0 de 5 estrelas A soul-expanding ride to the heart of the universe
A rich, inside look at an exceptional series of quantum hypnosis sessions. While in the tradition of Dolores Cannon's books, here both practitioner (Ron) and client (Ava) have added their personal reflections all the way through, placing the reader inside their ongoing process. They describe how they were affected by the sessions, and explain their evolving thoughts about publishing the book. Parts of it are as mind-expanding as the best channeled books I've read. As someone who contemplates the origin and significance of the universe and Earth's place in it, and my own place within that, I've found fresh inspiration, understanding and guidance here. As a practitioner, musician and writer, with a technical background, I appreciate Ava's conceptual vocabulary and verbal fluency. I'm reading it the second time and finding new things.
N. TongAvaliado no Reino Unido em 28 de dezembro de 2023
5,0 de 5 estrelas Epic Adventures in Awakening: A Cosmic Insightful Read
This book didn't just tell me a story; it took me on an epic adventure through time and space, with stories offering guidance for my own evolution and awakening. It's a wild ride.
I'm always looking to jazz up my spiritual journey, and this book gave me a dash of cosmic insight and several sprinkles of down-to-earth wisdom; this book is my current favourite read.
N. TongEpic Adventures in Awakening: A Cosmic Insightful Read
Avaliado no Reino Unido em 28 de dezembro de 2023
I'm always looking to jazz up my spiritual journey, and this book gave me a dash of cosmic insight and several sprinkles of down-to-earth wisdom; this book is my current favourite read.
Imagens nesta avaliação
Richard F MuirAvaliado no Reino Unido em 12 de julho de 2023
5,0 de 5 estrelas A fascinating journey into the mind and beyond
Really loved this book. So full of beauty and insight <3