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Diversion (Diversion Book 1) (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

4,2 4,2 von 5 Sternen 310 Sternebewertungen

There are good guys, bad guys, and then there’s Lucky.

Former drug trafficker Richmond “Lucky” Lucklighter flaunts his past like a badge of honor. He speaks his mind, doesn’t play nice, and flirts with disaster while working off his sentence with the Southeastern Narcotics Bureau. If he can keep out of trouble a while longer he’ll be a free man–after he trains his replacement.

Textbook-quoting, by the book Bo Schollenberger is everything Lucky isn’t. Lucky slurps coffee, Bo lives caffeine free. Lucky worships bacon, Bo eats tofu. Lucky trusts no one, Bo calls suspects by first name. Yet when the chips are down on their shared case of breaking up a drug diversion ring, they may have more in common than they believe.

Two men. Close quarters. Friction results in heat. But Lucky scoffs at partnerships, no matter how thrilling the roller-coaster. Bo has two months to break down Lucky’s defenses… and seconds are ticking by.
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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00LIC5J00
  • Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Rocky Ridge Books; 2. Edition (2. Juli 2014)
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 3.0 MB
  • Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten ‏ : ‎ Keine Einschränkung
  • Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
  • Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 238 Seiten
  • Kundenrezensionen:
    4,2 4,2 von 5 Sternen 310 Sternebewertungen

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4,2 von 5 Sternen
310 weltweite Bewertungen

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Spitzenrezensionen aus Deutschland

  • Bewertet in Deutschland am 29. Mai 2012
    Nachdem Lucky zwei Jahre einer zehnjährigen Gefängnisstrafe abgebüßt hat, wird ihm ein Deal angeboten: Er soll für eine kleine Sondereinheit arbeiten, die den Drogenhandel bekämpft, oder genauer gesagt, darauf spezialisiert ist, Diebstähle in der pharmazeutischen Versorgungskette zu verhindern, und bekommt dafür den Rest seiner Strafe erlassen. Lucky stimmt zu und seine kriminelle Vergangenheit in dieser "Branche" macht ihn zum besten Mitarbeiter des Teams. Lucky will keine näheren Kontakte zu seinen Kollegen und hält diese durch sein großspuriges, arrogantes Getue auf Distanz. Er hat nur noch ein paar Wochen Dienst abzuleisten, dann hat er seinen Teil des Deals erfüllt und seine Freiheit wieder. Bevor es soweit ist, muss er jedoch noch einen letzten Auftrag erfüllen und nebenbei seinen Nachfolger einarbeiten. Lucky hasst es, mit einem Partner zu arbeiten und versucht, Bo das Leben so schwer wie möglich zu machen. Aber der Neuling gibt sich nicht so schnell geschlagen und Lucky entdeckt, dass er seinen Schlagabtausch mit Bo genießt. Die beiden beginnen sogar eine Affäre miteinander - die enden soll, sobald ihr Auftrag erledigt ist. Nach und nach entwickelt Lucky Gefühle für Bo, die er nicht haben will und auch sein Job ist ihm nicht so egal, wie er das gerne hätte. Sein Dienstende naht und Lucky sorgt dafür, dass es wirklich ein spektakulärer Abgang wird.....

    Lucky und Bo sind keine makellosen Helden. Beide haben Fehler in der Vergangenheit gemacht und müssen dafür bezahlen. Lucky, der sich meistens wie ein unerträglicher, aufgeblasener Giftzwerg gebärdet, verbirgt hinter seinem aggressiven Verhalten seine Schuld- und Minderwertigkeitsgefühle. Bo dagegen versteckt hinter seinem sanften, freundlichen Wesen seine Ängste und Unsicherheiten. Obwohl die zwei so unterschiedliche Charaktere sind, passen sie doch perfekt zusammen. Lucky findet in Bo jemanden, der ihn trotz seiner Fehler liebt und Bo findet in Lucky einen starken Partner, der ihn versteht und dem er vertrauen kann. Ich mochte beide von Anfang an und ihre Dialoge sind einfach köstlich. Der Plot ist ungewöhnlich, aber interessant, die Haupt- und Nebencharaktere sind gut ausgearbeitet und die Chemie zwischen Lucky und Bo stimmt.
    Die Geschichte ist fesselnd, unterhaltsam und mit viel Witz erzählt.
    4 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
  • Bewertet in Deutschland am 13. April 2022
    These two were just adorable together and I love books were one is a little spicy and has really funny quotes and the other is a little rebellious or just not easy to chatch.
  • Bewertet in Deutschland am 2. Dezember 2020
    Spannend, Lustig gut geschrieben!
  • Bewertet in Deutschland am 8. März 2013
    The blurb gives a good idea about what's going on so I won't delve too deeply into that in order to avoid spoilers. All I'm going to say is, I loved this book, plain and simple. It had everything I want and need in my reading - a gripping, well thought-out and believable story, fast action, humor, wit, and two main characters who were so flawed and human and yet so perfect for each other I couldn't help taking them deeply into my heart on the spot.

    Lucky is such a cocky, sneery, vulnerable, loveable man and Bo a brave broken hero who's not yet given up despite the weight of the world lasting heavy on his shoulders.
    The banter between them is delicious,and the sex scenes were steaming, and not a single one struck me as superfluous although the real connection between Lucky and Bo happened outside of sex. It was beautifully done, the way they connected - two lonely souls finding each other, complementing each other at their best and at their worst.

    The secondary cast is well-drawn too, down to a salesgirl in a shop who was just adorable, Lucky's gruff, fatherly superior and Lucky's old nemesis or Bo's creep - inducing new boss.

    The premise in and of itself was unusual and fresh - prescription pharmaceuticals being the drugs in question instead of the usual cocaine, heroine and Meth made a difference, something most people don't give a moment's thought if they're even aware that something like this exists. Once I was done reading, I realized I had learned a lot about professional handling and producing of drugs, but I never felt hit over the head with info; it was all seamlessly worked into the narrative and dialogue.

    All in all, this is a great, well-written book with a wonderful, snarky, funny and sensible narrative voice that immediately captured me and didn't let me off until the very end. It's my favorite Eden Winters read already; I actually think it's the best she's written so far. Highly, warmly recommended!
    Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich

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  • Cat
    5,0 von 5 Sternen One of a few I’d read over and over and over
    Bewertet in den USA am7. April 2022
    Oh My Gosh! This book is absolutely amazing. It grabbed me from the beginning and kept me mesmerized.
    Lucky is an ex-con and serving time in a special task force. He is about to be freed and has to train his replacement, Beau. Sparks fly and soon they end up as more than partners in the field but will Lucky give up his chance at freedom and stay on the team?
    Each of these books has a different plot but all are connected in the scheme of things.
    You do need to read in order.
    We meet Lucky, Beau and Walter and learn what Diversion is. There is lots of action, twists and turns and nail biting suspense. And the sexual tension us hot!
  • SebFox
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Don't let anyone Divert you away from reading this incredible book
    Bewertet in Großbritannien am 28. Januar 2024
    This book, as I suspect the entire series to be, was amazing. I cannot believe I haven’t come across it until now. It came out in 2012, why haven’t I heard about it before. Well to be honest I suspect there are a couple of reasons why it’s not been on my TBR until recently.

    Firstly there’s the subject matter. Who decides, when they are searching for a good detective series to read, to look for a book on pharmaceutical fraud and corruption. It doesn’t naturally pop up on any Amazon searches you might do. Nor is it listed on any of those “100 best...” lists that are all over Goodreads. And to be fair why would you choose pharmaceutical fraud over a good detective thriller about drug trafficking or homicide. They’re the big hitters when it comes to detective thrillers, not steeling drugs from the big pharmacy companies. And then there's that cover. Yep that’s a real draw, the back of someone’s creased shirt. And don’t get me started on the original 2012 cover. No hunky, grizzled shirtless guy here. No, it's something someone cobbled together using Clipart. Maybe one of Eden Winters kids (sorry Eden). No seriously. Ignore this book at your peril. This is one of the best series out there, and here's why.

    Eden Winters has created a fantastic main protagonist in Richmond “Lucky” Lucklighter. He's everything you'd want in a detective. He's layered, he's damaged, he's got some big redemption arc going on. And then there's the snark. What a mouth this guy has. Whoa. The way he talks to people, particularly those trying to get close to him, yikes! But gosh is he funny. I just love his banter. His sneaky ways and the shear bravado he has. It is so refreshing to read. With books like this we normally get characters with similar levels of banter but often they become diluted as time goes by, and once they fall in love they become pale versions of their former self. Not here. This little rascal keeps it up, and even knocks it up a gear or two the closer he gets to someone. And this might put some people off. Particularly if they want someone who is a more vanilla character at heart. Don't get me wrong, Lucky has the most beautiful heart. He is one of the most loveable characters you are likely to read. How Eden Winters manages to do that is incredible. But he is layered, incredibly complex. Someone with a real past that has shaped and scarred the man he is. The whole book, in fact the entire series, is told from his POV. And if you are going to do that, you need someone with enough depth to carry 9 books. Someone you are not going to get bored of hearing from. Someone with a rich past and layers that are satisfyingly revealed over the series. I have seen reviews that say he's a bit of a "marmite" character, you either love him or hate him. I completely disagree. He is a great character if you are prepared to read about someone who is real. Someone who is scarred. Has faults. Makes mistakes. Who isn't perfect. Who is a survivor. And who has one of the biggest hearts of anyone around. But its a heart that he protects fiercely and will defend to the death. That is until he meets Bo.

    Bo Schollenberger is the other main character in this MM series. He had a past too and a lot of pain he is going through. But he's the sunshine to our Mr Grumpy. The one who captures Lucky's heart and through whom we see Lucky's vulnerability. The grumpy sunshine trope is one we commonly see in MM detective fiction. Valor and Doyle, Hazard and Somerset being a couple of the best. But with Eden Winters she chooses to explore the subtleties between the two characters. Whether it’s the small moments or the large romantic gestures, it's those tiny details that she writes about that make these two characters stand out above any other couples I've read in this genre. The supermarket scene, Lucky planning a romantic meal for Bo, the pillow scene. These are so wonderfully crafted and so well written. Hysterically funny whilst being deeply moving at the same time. If the rest of the series has moments like these in it, I cannot wait to read it.

    What I also can't wait to read are some more of the fascinating side characters she includes in her books. Of course, there's Walter and Victor (what a sinister and mysterious character he is) but it's all the little ones that just pop in and out of a scene with hardly a big reveal. Such rich, instantly real people that briefly grace the page. For me that is always a sign of a great writer, and without question Eden Winters is a great writer.

    There's no point in explaining the plot of this book, as it's already there in the book blurb. However, I would definitely recommend reading the first chapter as that gives a wonderful dramatic opening of what is to come and more importantly, a wonderful introduction to Lucky. So do yourself a favour. Drop all your preconceived notions about this genre and how characters are supposed to behave and pick up this book and let Lucky take you on the journey of his life. And quite possibly the journey of your life.
  • Vicki
    4,0 von 5 Sternen Snark can be fun
    Bewertet in Kanada am 9. Juli 2019
    I enjoyed this story. The characters grew on me and there was an interesting storyline. I'm looking forward to reading more.
  • Kindle Customer
    4,0 von 5 Sternen Nicely done
    Bewertet in Großbritannien am 1. August 2015
    Great characters, slightly dented but all heart, cool plot- kept thinking this would make a very entertaining movie! The cherry on top was the delicious humour all the way- : 4.5
  • Smitten with Reading
    4,0 von 5 Sternen A- rating....
    Bewertet in den USA am8. Januar 2014
    My Review:
    What a completely different and interesting set-up for this book. When the book begins, Lucky is in the process of stealing a truck-load of drugs and you (the reader) are wondering what the heck is going on. That opening segment is a pretty good 3-4 chapters and I did think at one point in time that I didn't want to continue reading it. I'm so glad that I did because against all the evidence saying he's not at the beginning, Lucky is actually one of the good guys.

    Lucky is part of the SNB, a branch of the government that tracks down pharmaceutical bad guys. He's serving out a ten year sentence from when he actual did use to steal drugs for a living. He works for Walter and is counting down the days until his 8 years of indentured servitude is up, although he has truly come to love his job and his boss. Lucky hasn't had a very lucky fact, his life has pretty much sucked and he uses sarcasm and a really dry humor and abrasive personality to keep people at bay. His one real relationship he had ended in tragedy and that full story broke my heart by the time it was all revealed. He doesn't trust others or himself to form relationships. He's also the con on this team of government agents. He feels like they despise him, so he puts up barriers to keep them at arms length. When he has to start training and working with Bo on a daily basis, it's harder to keep those barriers up.

    Bo has had his own legal and drug issues and is the new con on the team. The difference is Bo is actually a former marine and pharmacist. Lucky sees Bo as so much better than him because he went to college and did something with his life, even though they are pretty much in the same boat with the law. Lucky and Bo are two totally different types of guys. Lucky doesn't get attached to anyone. Bo makes connection with everyone. Bo is completely open and up-front with everyone. He's a caretaker...he cooks, is a bit OCD, and is a complete health nut.

    Then there's Walter...their boss. I love that Walter sees Lucky for who he really is. He's completely past the con part of Lucky, although Lucky doesn't truly realize that. That relationship, to me, added a lot to the book and helped to see Lucky for who he's truly grown to be over the 8 years. This is a book with complex characters who have serious flaws but it's full of little details to give you hope. Hope for their future and hope that things are going to straighten out for them, but there are also tons of little danger signs that show that things could go the other way for them. In that way, this series reminds me a lot of the Cut & Run series. It's very much the same type of characters walking a tightrope between right and wrong/good and bad.

    This is the first book to the start of a series about these two characters and I like the set-up it provided. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here.

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