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The Herald of Coming Good: First Appeal to Contemporary Humanity (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe
“Contrary to the established custom, I shall not only permit this first book of mine, as well as the books of the first series, to be reprinted in any country, but, if necessary, I am willing to subsidize it, on the condition of course that absolute accuracy is preserved.”
— G. Gurdjieff
To preserve accuracy we have printed this book exactly as written by Mr. Gurdjieff but have included only one Registration Blank, a sample of the seven originally called for. It is not to be filled out.
Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen
Problem beim Laden der Informationen
- Herausgeber : Book Studio (17. April 2014)
- Sprache : Englisch
- Dateigröße : 6.0 MB
- Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten : Keine Einschränkung
- Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Aktiviert
- Screenreader : Unterstützt
- Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Aktiviert
- X-Ray : Nicht aktiviert
- Word Wise : Aktiviert
- Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe : 63 Seiten
- Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 1.038.850 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle-Shop)
- Nr. 7.229 in Selbsthilfe zu Persönlicher Verwandlung (englischsprachig)
- Nr. 8.190 in Spiritualität (englischsprachig)
- Nr. 25.754 in Fremdsprachige Ratgeber
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ERICBewertet in Frankreich am 26. Juni 2014
3,0 von 5 Sternen QUESTION
Daniel GarciaBewertet in den USA am29. Januar 2009
5,0 von 5 Sternen Read This Book, Even If You Think Gurdjieff Did Not Want You To
Gurdjieff may have "recalled" this small book. Read it anyway. As he said, he teaches the way of the "sly man"--the one who sometimes has to "steal" the truth.
What I took from the book:
Gurdjieff's life prior to the closing of the Prieure was in many ways an intentionally artifical life; he was playing a necessary role. He was experimenting upon the members of the Institute for Man's Harmonious Development. The thought that occurs after reading this is that perhaps many of the "exercises" and "teachings" that pupils from that period have related were actually not intended as exercises or teachings at all; rather, they were tools to create desired experimental conditions.
Gurdjieff indicates that he did not get his answers from any religious or monastic orders; rather, he got his answers from his own study of hypnotism and his subsequent experiments (including, but not limited to, those conducted at the Prieure). The book seems to de-emphasize the religious connotations of Gurdjieff's "Work" while emphasizing its psychological nature. The implications given by Gurdjieff are that he gave his "Work" a Theosophical-spiritual garb in order to attract the necessary people for his experiments (Theosophy and spirituality were very popular when Gurdjieff came on the scene). In other words, the "spirituality" apparent in Gurdjieff's teachings is just bait for the fish.
Well, be as it may...my recommendation is to read the book and take what you will from it.
Ziprgun5Bewertet in den USA am4. Januar 2015
5,0 von 5 Sternen In my opinion an essential part of the third series life is real only then when I am, but secret away by Mister Gurdjeff himself
The Herald of coming good was a book that Mister Gurdjeff put out and then withdrew and some believe it was to protect the book itself as it reveals many things about Mister Gurdjeff's early history that otherwise would be just a complete mystery. If that's how he managed it it shows the touch of the master and is an absolute necessity as part of the third series, which professed one thing and delivered another after his death.
Roisin HalfarBewertet in den USA am21. Juli 2014
5,0 von 5 Sternen Very helpful book if you wish it to be so!
This short book is very profound and although proposed by Mr. Gurdjieff as a prospectus for the study of his ideas,
very much requires some previous background from contact with his own subsequent writings and if possible, contact with people who are already working with the ideas of the Fourth Way, also known as The Work, and The System, to have a practical application for this book.
Felipe GuelfiBewertet in den USA am11. Juli 2021
4,0 von 5 Sternen Gurdjieff needs to be read from many angles... And this one is tough to decode
Another tough to understand piece from Gurdjieff, but a necessary read to try and understand his ideas and what his task at large was here