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Rethinking Agile: Why Agile Teams Have Nothing To Do With Business Agility (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe
- SpracheEnglisch
- Erscheinungstermin6. September 2019
- Dateigröße4.7 MB
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- Herausgeber : LEANability PRESS (6. September 2019)
- Sprache : Englisch
- Dateigröße : 4.7 MB
- Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Aktiviert
- Screenreader : Unterstützt
- Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Aktiviert
- X-Ray : Aktiviert
- Word Wise : Aktiviert
- Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe : 176 Seiten
- Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 356.230 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle-Shop)
- Nr. 552 in Management (englischsprachig)
- Nr. 865 in Business-Englisch lernen
- Nr. 4.766 in Fremdsprachiges über Wirtschaft
- Kundenrezensionen:
Informationen zum Autor

Dr. Klaus Leopold ist Informatiker und Management-Berater, der seit 15 Jahren Unternehmen weltweit bei agilen Transformationen unterstützt. Er ist der Entwickler des Flight-Levels-Modells und hat mehrere Bücher zu Agilität verfasst, darunter "Flight Levels" (zusammen mit Sigi Kaltenecker) und "Agilität neu denken”.
In seinen frühen Jahren in der Agile Community hat sich Klaus intensiv mit Kanban beschäftigt und zwei Standardwerke zu diesem Thema verfasst: "Kanban in der Praxis" und "Kanban in der IT" (zusammen mit Sigi Kaltenecker).
Heute liegt sein Fokus auf dem Flight-Levels-Modell, das Organisationen dabei hilft, ihren individuellen, leichtgewichtigen und kosteneffektiven Weg zu mehr Business-Agilität zu finden.
Klaus ist Mitgründer der Flight Levels Academy und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der LEANability GmbH.
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- Bewertet in Deutschland am 13. April 2024Too expensive.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 20. Juli 2020Brilliant book! Easy to read, very pragmatic, providing immediately applicable tips and grounded with experience, it is now one of my reference books!
One of the few books to view agile thinking more globally across the organization, instead of being limited to development or being holistically fuzzy. Practical at all three flight levels, which I interpret as the enterprise, the product and the delivery levels.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 31. Dezember 2018There are beginners books, advanced books and books you wish you would have read before you have read all the other books. This is the one book you wish you would have read before you started to introduce agile in your company or department.
Easy to read, highly understandable, dozens of illustrations. Written from the trenches with experiences from a lot of real cases.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 28. Dezember 2018The book is self-published by the author's company. This probably explains the not so appropriate title, because it is NOT about new findings, but about old wine from the areas of production economics and operations research in new bottles - and of it only the simplest non-mathematical aspects.
The book is about a single reference project with knowledge that can mostly only be used in the manufacturing industry, apparently at Robert Bosch Power Tools (according to the preface). It is hard to believe that this was not known to the board of directors there and that there were no knowledgeable employees available or listened to.
The newly described "flight levels" have long been known as strategic, tactical, and operational planning, and the author himself sometimes confuses the associated strategic/tactical/operational portfolio management.
Presentations on this topic have been available free of charge online for some time now e.g. by searching for the author’s name.
However, this knowledge is very easy to understand and is described vividly, except for a few abbreviations that are not explained or explained much later, and it is very well illustrated. It is therefore well suited for the training of employees who are not familiar with agile processes and production management and should better bear a corresponding title.
Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern
Leonardo CruzBewertet in Brasilien am 2. Oktober 2023
5,0 von 5 Sternen Open your mind
This book helps us how to think about the business agility. Agility is not only a tool that you use to develop a new product, but is a philosophy that make you think about the strategies of your organization. The three level that the company should adopt, the way to think about the goals, where you want to reach or how many efforts do you waft to spend to have this profit or revenue.
Olivier DugasBewertet in Kanada am 3. Juni 2022
5,0 von 5 Sternen Mind-bending, game-changing book. Wow.
I freakin' loved this book. It was an eye opener. "We're so freakin' Agile" in a company that is totally not. great examples, great vulgarisation... It's a must read for anyone in a position of management. Scratch that: It's a must read for anyone.
Pablo QuevedoBewertet in Mexiko am 22. August 2021
5,0 von 5 Sternen Excelente
Si sientes que la agilidad en tu empresa es más fácil de decir que hacer, este libro es para ti
DSOBewertet in Frankreich am 28. August 2022
5,0 von 5 Sternen Unputdownable book.
I read this book in one go! Exactly as the title suggests, it explains why making your teams Agile does not translate to making your business Agile, and in fact, it may become quite the opposite.
I enjoyed the author's easy-to-read writing style, which steered clear of technical aspects like how to implement a framework like SAFe or LESS. Rather, it was full of actionable advice about what you need to do.
If I had to summarise the key takeaways from the book, there are four things you can do for a business to become Agile:
1. Focus on VALUE DELIVERED to the customer.
2. Step back and take a HOLISTIC VIEW of what is happening.
3. Limit the number of activities or tasks by CONTROLLING THE WIP (Work in Progress) LIMITS.
4. DEAL WITH DEPENDENCIES (between teams) proactively by making them visible.
All in all, an unputdownable book that I would definitely recommend!
de fent iginiaBewertet in Italien am 28. Oktober 2020
5,0 von 5 Sternen good ideas for a better way of working
great book!
In my opinion it not only provides useful recommendations for agile transformations, but more general ones on good and correct organization and management of work.