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Okinawan Samurai: The Instructions of a Royal Official to his Only Son (Ryukyu Bugei - Ancient Martial Arts of the Ryukyu Islands Book 1) (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe
- SpracheEnglisch
- Erscheinungstermin26. Januar 2020
- Dateigröße743 KB
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- ASIN : B0847Q7WZP
- Sprache : Englisch
- Dateigröße : 743 KB
- Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Aktiviert
- Screenreader : Unterstützt
- Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Aktiviert
- X-Ray : Nicht aktiviert
- Word Wise : Nicht aktiviert
- Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe : 197 Seiten
- Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 1.156.515 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle-Shop)
- Nr. 1.409 in Kampfsport (englischsprachig)
- Nr. 6.043 in Kampf & Selbstverteidigung (Bücher)
- Nr. 9.692 in Fremdsprachiges über Sport & Freizeit
- Kundenrezensionen:
Informationen zum Autor

Andreas Quast is a prolific author renowned for his extensive work in martial arts literature. His notable publications include "Karate 1.0" (2013), "A Stroll Along Ryukyu Martial Arts History" (2015), "King Wu Once Buckled on His Armor" (2016), "Okinawan Samurai" (2018), and the translated classic "My Art and Skill of Karate" (2020) by Motobu Choki, and "Bo" (2024).
Quast’s journey into martial arts began with a profound study and practice trip to Japan in 1999, culminating in nearly two years of immersive experience in Okinawa, the birthplace of Karate, from 2010 to 2012. His dedication has earned him prestigious awards from the International Ryukyu Karate Research Society and the Ryukyu no Kaze Society, along with numerous certifications in Jiu-jitsu, Karate, Ryukyu Kobudo, Mugai-ryu Iaido, and Hachiman-ryu Battojutsu. His insights were also featured in the 2016 edition of "Bubishi: The Classic Manual of Combat" by the acclaimed Patrick McCarthy.
In addition to his martial arts accomplishments, Quast holds a diverse array of qualifications and experiences. He is a certified skilled mechanic (ICC), a state-certified engineer in mechanical engineering, a health and safety officer, and a technical writer (tekom). His eclectic career has seen him excel as a heavy-duty welder, paraglider, bartender, florist, SAP coordinator, antiquarian bookseller, guitarist, football player, author, and publisher.
Quast’s passion for uncovering the hidden gems of Okinawa Karate and Kobudo has taken him to archives worldwide, where he diligently researches and publishes his findings for an exclusive international audience. Born in 1966, he currently resides in Germany, where he continues to train and work as a technical writer, contributing to international documentation projects in special machinery, automation, and medical devices. His life and work are a testament to the unending pursuit of knowledge and mastery in both martial arts and technical fields.
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- Bewertet in Deutschland am 3. Juli 2018Was war den Beamten des Königreiches Ryukyu wichtig? Wie sollte eine zielgerichtete Erziehung und Ausbildung für den Dienst im Königreich gestaltet sein? Welche Schwerpunkte sollte man setzen? Welche Literatur ist empfehlenswert? Wie sollte man sich benehmen? ...
Hintergründe und Ratschläge an die nachfolgende Generation, aus der Zeit des Königreiches Ryukyu, wurden für dieses Buch ins Englische übersetzt und kommentiert. Empfehlenswert für Kampfkünstler (mit Okinawa-Bezug, Karate, Kobudo, ...) mit geschichtlichem Interesse.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 15. November 2020👍Great book📖👍
Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern
robert welchBewertet in den USA am14. Mai 2018
5,0 von 5 Sternen Scholarly, readable addition to the study of Early Modern Okinawa.
This book is a valuable addition to the regrettably sparse collection of works related to the Ryukyu Kingdom during the Tokugawa period. The main document in this study is a letter from a court official to his son describing the virtues that a good samurai should demonstrate. This text has been translated from Classical Japanese and rendered quite clearly into English.
Quast's analysis, which makes up the remaining two thirds of this work, are where the transition from mere scholarship to new research occurs. Using direct examples from the text, as well as references to contemporary documents, the author demonstrates how the Samurai fit into the complex group of courtiers surrounding the Okinawan king. Quast also deacribes the role of palace officials in the labyrinthine relations between Okinawa and its Satsuma overlords in regards to the trade relation of the Ryukyu kingdom and China.
The author writes from the viewpoint of a karate practitioner, and therefore also describes the role unarmed combat may have played in the lives of Okinawan officials. A sharp distinction is drawn between imported Satsuma fighting schools and what may be references to a karate like fighting system referred to as Karamuto.
Overall this is a fine addition to the library of anyone interested in the social and institutional history of the Ryukyu archipelago in the period before the opening of Japan in the 19th Century. Mr. Quast has produced a work that is not just readable, but in fact enjoyable, and suited to both specialists and non-specialists. I look forward to seeing what he accomplishes next.
ItzikBewertet in den USA am18. Juni 2018
5,0 von 5 Sternen For those who love Karate and interested to further dig into Karate history ...
Mr. Andreas Quastʼs revives Ryukyu Martial Art history for us. “Okinawan Samurai” is a unique meticulous work. The detailed information is evident and familiar to us from previous works of Andreas Quest. The author takes us to a guided tour among the districts of Naha and its bureaus, and gives us a tangible experience. For those who love Karate and interested to further dig into Karate history from both informative and daily being point of views, it is an important book. Mr.Quast brings us the opportunity to feel the environmental reality in Naha before the Local-di received its present name (“Karate”) and form. Personality, from my point of views as karate lover and as a karate researcher, I consider this precious work invaluable. It is most interesting worthy book. Highly recommended!
Itzik Cohen Teishinkan – Okinawan Martial Arts
Ryukyu Martial Arts Research 琉球武道研究.
JOHN CARLYLEBewertet in den USA am21. Juni 2018
5,0 von 5 Sternen Another great book on traditional Okinawan life from a past era ...
Another great book on traditional Okinawan life from a past era from Andreas Quast. I have never regretted buying a single one of his tomes, of which I have them all. Andreas is a researcher who double checks and rechecks his work before releasing it. A very astute and reliable person, luckily for us, interested in Okinawan culture.
J. P. EnfieldBewertet in den USA am5. November 2020
5,0 von 5 Sternen Wonderful
This book offers remarkable insight into an era long gone. Well researched and easy to read. Any book by the author is recommended reading in my opinion.
budokaBewertet in den USA am18. Juli 2018
5,0 von 5 Sternen Outstanding!
Amazing book, as expected!