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A Stroll Along Ryukyu Martial Arts History (Ryukyu Bugei - Ancient Martial Arts of the Ryukyu Islands Book 3) (English Edition) Versión Kindle

4,6 4,6 de 5 estrellas 35 valoraciones

Based on his acclaimed previous studies, the author here presents a synopsis of the development of Ryukyu martial arts. The events described herein are all real, that is, they are all historical. Strolling along the chronology of martial arts of Ryukyu provenance, a large number of verified events are not only detailed, but also decorated with dozens of precious illustrations. As such "A Stroll Along Ryukyu Martial Arts History" is for martial arts practitioners as much as it is for aficionados of history and Asia. It simply provides a pristine ground to stand on for the practitioner who wishes to understand the primordial origins of Ryukyu martial arts.
For those who read “Karate 1.0”: this new book here provides a synopsis of Karate 1.0 plus the “chronology (Part VII)” without significant changes. It is an easier read without all the reasoning and footnotes, but instead with 80 illustrations to make it more suitable for the general public, and not only academic people.
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Biografía del autor

Andreas Quast is the author of "Karate 1.0" (2013), "A Stroll Along Ryukyu Martial Arts History" (2015), and "King Wu Once Buckled on his Armor" (2016), among others. Unpretentious and industrious, he has certificates as a skilled mechanic (ICC), state-certified engineer in mechanical engineering (technical college), health and safety officer (technical college), and technical writer (tekom), with practical experience as a florist, heavy duty welder, paraglider, bartender, SAP coordinator, antiquarian bookseller, guitar player, author and publisher, football player etc.pp. Living in Düsseldorf, Germany, he's been digging through archives around the globe in search for literary truffles of Okinawa Karate and Kobudo, the findings of which he publishes for an international audience in a unique way on his popular blog His activities in martial arts, which included about 2 years in Japan and Okinawa, resulted in a number of prestiguous awards for his ongoing research (International Ryukyu Karate Research Society, Ryukyu no Kaze Society), a drawer of certificates (Jiu-jitsu, Karate, Ryukyu Kobudo, Mugai-ryu Iaido, Hachiman-ryu Battojutsu), and a network of likeminded friends and colleagues around the globe. After more than 15 years of study into the subject, he also contributed an analysis featured in the new edition of "Bubishi: The Classic Manual of Combat", written by world-famous practitioner and researcher Patrick McCarthy, released June 2016. Turning 50 years of age in 2016, Quast claims "It's about halftime!"In 2011 he performed Kobudo at the German Okinawan Festival held in Okinawa, which was well received by the German ambassador to Japan as well as the German Honorary Consul to Okinawa. His unquenchable passion for various martial arts of Ryukyuan provenance results in regular print and online publications frequently reaching an international audience. With two decades of practical experience, extensive travel, and published research he still considers himself being merely on the verge of understanding Ryukyu martial arts. The author is a certified engineer, technical writer, and antiquarian bookseller living in Düsseldorf, Germany, where he continues his training and research.

Detalles del producto

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00Y5T4MP6
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • Tamaño del archivo ‏ : ‎ 7.8 MB
  • Texto a voz ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • Lector de pantalla ‏ : ‎ Compatibles
  • Tipografía mejorada ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ No activado
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ No activado
  • Longitud de impresión ‏ : ‎ 284 páginas
  • Opiniones de los clientes:
    4,6 4,6 de 5 estrellas 35 valoraciones

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Andreas Quast
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Andreas Quast es un autor prolífico reconocido por su extenso trabajo en la literatura de artes marciales. Sus publicaciones notables incluyen "Karate 1.0" (2013), "A Stroll Along Ryukyu Martial Arts History" (2015), "King Wu Once Buckled on His Armor" (2016), "Okinawan Samurai" (2018), el clásico traducido "My Art and Skill of Karate" (2020) de Motobu Choki, y "Bo" (2024).

El viaje de Quast en las artes marciales comenzó con un profundo viaje de estudio y práctica en Japón en 1999, culminando en casi dos años de experiencia inmersiva en Okinawa, el lugar de nacimiento del Karate, desde 2010 hasta 2012. Su dedicación le ha valido premios prestigiosos de la International Ryukyu Karate Research Society y la Ryukyu no Kaze Society, junto con numerosas certificaciones en Jiu-jitsu, Karate, Ryukyu Kobudo, Mugai-ryu Iaido y Hachiman-ryu Battojutsu. Sus conocimientos también fueron destacados en la edición de 2016 de "Bubishi: The Classic Manual of Combat" del aclamado Patrick McCarthy.

Además de sus logros en artes marciales, Quast posee una diversa gama de calificaciones y experiencias. Es mecánico certificado (ICC), ingeniero mecánico certificado por el estado, oficial de salud y seguridad, y escritor técnico (tekom). Su carrera ecléctica lo ha visto destacarse como soldador de servicio pesado, parapentista, camarero, florista, coordinador de SAP, librero anticuarios, guitarrista, jugador de fútbol, autor y editor.

La pasión de Quast por descubrir las joyas ocultas del Karate y Kobudo de Okinawa lo ha llevado a archivos en todo el mundo, donde investiga y publica diligentemente sus hallazgos para una audiencia internacional exclusiva. Nacido en 1966, actualmente reside en Alemania, donde continúa entrenando y trabajando como escritor técnico, contribuyendo a proyectos de documentación internacional en maquinaria especial, automatización y dispositivos médicos. Su vida y trabajo son un testimonio de la interminable búsqueda de conocimiento y dominio tanto en las artes marciales como en los campos técnicos.

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  • James Greenaway
    5,0 de 5 estrellas Anyone interested in learning the history of martial arts in Okinawa, this is a must buy !
    Reseñado en Canadá el 19 de diciembre de 2021
    It is the best book I have read on the subject!
  • Remo Williams
    5,0 de 5 estrellas Unknown martial arts history
    Reseñado en Estados Unidos el 31 de marzo de 2021
    Mr. Quast has done a tremendous job with his research, unearthing previously unknown facts about Okinawan martial arts that sheds new light on what has been previously assumed. His work clarifies notions about Okinawan weaponry and the particular shape of some weapons, and the dates he provides reset ideas about the establishment of many styles and katas. Practitioners of Goju-ryu karate should be thrilled about revelations that shed light into the history of their style.
  • David E. Carr
    5,0 de 5 estrellas Fantastic!
    Reseñado en el Reino Unido el 14 de febrero de 2022
    Easily one of my favorite books on the subject, written by a well researched and knowledgable author.
  • Amazon Kunde
    5,0 de 5 estrellas Very good overview
    Reseñado en Alemania el 31 de mayo de 2016
    For those who do not want to read the 600+ pages of his excellent book Karate 1.0, the author here presents a kind of a summary of his research on Ryukyu martial arts history. For all those who do not simply want to believe all legends told in Karate circles, this is a must read to get some well-researched information.
  • GMan
    5,0 de 5 estrellas Great Lok Into Okinawan MArtials Arts History
    Reseñado en Estados Unidos el 25 de marzo de 2019
    If you are a serious Okinawan karateka or studying other martial arts this book is a wealth of information. I lived on Okinawa from 1992 - 1999 and did a lot of research into karate on my own and can see the author did his research very well. It is a great addition to my library and a great tool for teaching Okinawan martial arts history to my students. I strongly recommend this book, it is worth the investment.

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