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The Heart of Christ: in Heaven Towards Sinners on Earth Tapa blanda – 15 junio 2023

4,7 4,7 de 5 estrellas 284 valoraciones

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Updated to modern English

The gracious disposition and tender affection of Christ in his human nature now in glory, unto his members under all sorts of infirmities, either of sin or misery.

After describing the remarkable and profound actions of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ—his obedience leading to death, resurrection, ascension to heaven, seating at God's right hand, and intercession for us, which have been thoroughly discussed—I will now present this subsequent discourse. It pertains to the heart of Christ as he presently resides in heaven, seated at God's right hand and interceding for us. It reveals how his heart is affected and filled with gracious disposition towards sinners on earth who approach him: how willing he is to receive them, how prepared he is to welcome them, and how tenderly he pities them in all their weaknesses, be it their sins or their misfortunes. The purpose and benefit of this discourse are to embolden and encourage believers to approach the throne of grace more confidently, seeking the aid of such a compassionate Saviour and High Priest. By understanding how sweetly and tenderly his heart inclines towards them, even in his glorious state, they can overcome the significant obstacle that remains unseen but impedes their path to faith. It is the notion that, since Christ is now absent and exalted to a position of immense glory, seated at God's right hand, they are unsure of how to approach him freely and with hopeful expectation to secure their salvation, as those unfortunate sinners who were once physically present with him on Earth.

Table of Contents
Demonstrations from Christ's Last Farewell to His Disciples
Demonstrations from Passages and Expressions after His Resurrection
Demonstrations from Passages at and after His Ascension into Heaven.
Part II: The Evil of Afflictions and the Evil of Sin
A Second Sort of Demonstration of Christ's Heart Toward Sinners
Christ's heart is touched with the feeling, of our infirmities

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Detalles del producto

  • Editorial ‏ : ‎ Monergism Books LLC (15 junio 2023)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • Tapa blanda ‏ : ‎ 105 páginas
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0989313174
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0989313179
  • Edad de lectura ‏ : ‎ De 12 a 18 años
  • Peso del producto ‏ : ‎ 191 g
  • Dimensiones ‏ : ‎ 13.97 x 0.61 x 21.59 cm
  • Opiniones de los clientes:
    4,7 4,7 de 5 estrellas 284 valoraciones

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Thomas Goodwin
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4,7 de 5 estrellas
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  • AnnT
    5,0 de 5 estrellas beautiful
    Reseñado en Estados Unidos el 14 de enero de 2025
    read the first 10-15 pages and wept. Beautifully articulates Christ heart for sinners. Run to Christ. Cling to Christ. Trust Christ. Beautiful book.
  • Tortoise
    5,0 de 5 estrellas A beautiful love song sung - do you still doubt?
    Reseñado en el Reino Unido el 8 de febrero de 2020
    Reading Puritans is a humbling experience. Why do I say that? If a contemporary were to write the book with a title “The Heart of Christ”, what do we expect to get? It would not surprise me if it were to fill with emotive vocabulary, appealing to our sentiments, speaking our language in the way how we want to be loved. There is an irony of our age – we are so smart and yet I would say we are much less learned than the Puritans. Perhaps there is a bias because only the works of those who were substantial can stand the test of time and are passed down. Honestly it is a struggle to find people around who demonstrates similar devotion to Christ and the study of His Word to the Puritans. But what is more saddening is that most people do not know what they have missed or there would have been book clubs on the Puritans? I hear people take to the platform and what they manage to do is to give us statements without substance, pitching a point without labour. I hear soundbite language stringed together without coherence. Have we lost our minds to reason? This is not to say there is not any, but to say that we have to really look for it.

    Reading Puritans takes patience, and this is unpopular with modern-day culture. We want everything instant and do not have time. Reading Puritans is a way to develop the patience to listen to God. Whenever I read a book by a Puritan, I am reminded how different their religion was from what we practise today. We may say that it is modernization, but I say it is hollowing out of substance. It is a constant battle against me-centred religion.

    Puritans always go back to the Bible. They do not tell you anything else. Everything they write down has its bible-base, or it seems, it is not worth writing down! Goodwin addresses one question in this little booklet: What is the heart of Christ now that He has ascended to heaven? The undertone of the question is the doubt we may have that He is glorified and His heart towards us is diminished. I have never asked this question myself until I pick up this book. Goodwin proves to us from the bible that Christ’s heart is the same and unchanging as when He walked the earth; in some ways, He loves us even more intense and perfect because He has been perfected. What do I get from this book in terms of substance? An insight into the human nature of Christ that I have not seen before. One argument that he points out is that to fulfil His office as our High Priest He is drawn to us as before in His human nature if not more. Goodwin takes us through Hebrews quite a bit. Fundamentally the priestly office is an office of grace and mercy, so Christ must still be full of grace and mercy towards us in order to fulfil His priestly office in heaven. We also look at the relationship of Christ and His Church. What does it mean that He loves them as His own? Wow! That mystic union of Christ and us! I mean the depth that Puritans can lead you is unmatched by what we come across on a daily basis. Pick it up and you will be blessed. It is a beautiful love song sung – do you still doubt? This book is an annex to a discourse on Christ in all those great and most solemn actions of his – his obedience unto death, his resurrection, ascension into heaven, his sitting at God’s right hand, and intercession for us. It makes me wonder if I should pick up that discourse too!
  • Matrix Man
    5,0 de 5 estrellas Most Excellent
    Reseñado en Estados Unidos el 12 de diciembre de 2023
    Though the language is formal, there is great blessing contained within. Read with patience a paragraph or two at a time. Be blessed by an enduring and everlasting love by the Saviour for His people. Renewal and Transformation indeed !
  • Phil
    5,0 de 5 estrellas like mining for treasure
    Reseñado en el Reino Unido el 27 de febrero de 2016
    The ancient language sometimes takes some energy to navigate (the editors explanations are helpful here), but the treasure you come upon in this book, sometimes unexpectedly, can take your breath away.
  • CF
    5,0 de 5 estrellas FAVORITES
    Reseñado en Estados Unidos el 4 de noviembre de 2023
    One of my absolute favorites, have gifted it to many. Has been very impactful for me. Makes my heart skip a beat to think of the love of Christ for us.