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Code-it Cody (The Clever Tykes Storybooks & Resources for Entrepreneurial Education) (English Edition) Versión Kindle
Mr Chip introduces Cody to the world of computer club where he meets three new friends who all love computers and want to learn even more about them. Oh, and Cody is hearing impaired. You probably wouldn’t have guessed it because he never lets it get in the way!
When the computer club competition is announced, an excited Cody starts on a quest to research as much as possible before creating the prototype of his new computer game. He even makes sure he works hard on his creative skills to make the best game possible. After months of hard work, the moment of truth arrives, and Cody and the other computer club members have to pitch their prototypes in front of a panel of teachers! Cody’s friend Hana has produced a game the teachers will really like. Can Cody do better?
- Edad de lecturaDe 5 a 10 años
- IdiomaInglés
- Fecha de publicación17 diciembre 2013
- ISBN-13978-0992691318
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Primeros 38,14 €
4 disponibles10,90 €
Primeros 38,14 €
4 disponibles10,90 €
Esta opción incluye 3 libros.
Esta opción incluye 4 libros.
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Detalles del producto
- Editorial : JayBee Media Limited; N.º 1 edición (17 diciembre 2013)
- Idioma : Inglés
- Tamaño del archivo : 8.9 MB
- Uso simultáneo de dispositivos : Sin límite
- Texto a voz : Activado
- Lector de pantalla : Compatibles
- Tipografía mejorada : Activado
- X-Ray : No activado
- Word Wise : Activado
- Longitud de impresión : 89 páginas
- Números de página - ISBN de origen : 0992691389
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- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella3 estrellas65%17%18%0%0%18%
- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella2 estrellas65%17%18%0%0%0%
- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella1 estrella65%17%18%0%0%0%
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Sharon ChamberlainReseñado en Estados Unidos el 3 de septiembre de 2019
5,0 de 5 estrellas Adopt a teacher
My sister & I adopted a 5th Grade Teacher & she needed books for her students 😊
Anna F.Reseñado en Estados Unidos el 17 de octubre de 2019
5,0 de 5 estrellas Perfect
My Grandson will love all the books I bought from Amazon.
Zully JF AlvaradoReseñado en Estados Unidos el 26 de febrero de 2019
4,0 de 5 estrellas Simple messages, lessons learned
Purchased this book for my seven-year-old niece who enjoys reading; my goal was to introduce her to coding. She truly enjoyed the book, when asked about the subject matter and characters, she was able to provide a clear definition and examples about coding. A bonus was that Cody wore hearing aids (I did not read the book) and as a disability rights advocate I appreciated that she could learn and share about children of different abilities being in the same classroom.
BCReseñado en Estados Unidos el 7 de noviembre de 2018
5,0 de 5 estrellas Get your kids excited about coding
The perfect book to spark an interest in coding and all things tech.
AmazonReseñado en Estados Unidos el 1 de febrero de 2019
5,0 de 5 estrellas Perfect for my nephew He loved it
Perfect for my nephew He loved it