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Life Is Real Only Then, When "I Am" (All and Everything Book 3) (English Edition) Versión Kindle
All and Everything: Ten Books, in Three Series, of which this is the Third Series.
FIRST SERIES: Three books under the title of "An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man," or, "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson."
SECOND SERIES: Three books under the common title of "Meetings with Remarkable Men."
THIRD SERIES: Four books under the common title of "Life Is Real Only Then, When 'I Am.' "
All written according to entirely new principles of logical reasoning and strictly directed towards the solution of the following three cardinal problems:
FIRST SERIES: To destroy, mercilessly, without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, the beliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything existing in the world.
SECOND SERIES: To acquaint the reader with the material required for a new creation and to prove the soundness and good quality of it.
THIRD SERIES: To assist the arising, in the mentation and in the feelings of the reader, of a veritable, non-fantastic representation not of that illusory world which he now perceives, but of the world existing in reality.
This unedited edition has been compiled from the typescripts from the papers of Solita Solano and Jane Heap.
The chapters are in the following order:
Book I: Introduction, First "Lecture-Talk," Second "Lecture-Talk," Third "Lecture-Talk," Fourth "Lecture-Talk," Fifth American Lecture.
Book IV: Prologue, The Outer and Inner World of Man.
Numeration of each separate paragraph of Book IV has been retained.
ISBN: 978-0-9572481-8-2 (Muriel Draper & J. G. Bennett Typeset Edition)
ISBN: 978-0-9572481-6-8 (Facsimile Typescript Edition)
ISBN: 978-0-9954756-0-1 (The Set)
- IdiomaInglés
- Fecha de publicación5 abril 2020
- Tamaño del archivo898 KB
Recursos de seguridad y productos
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Biografía del autor
Detalles del producto
- ASIN : B086V2481X
- Editorial : Book Studio (5 abril 2020)
- Idioma : Inglés
- Tamaño del archivo : 898 KB
- Texto a voz : Activado
- Lector de pantalla : Compatibles
- Tipografía mejorada : Activado
- X-Ray : No activado
- Word Wise : Activado
- Longitud de impresión : 129 páginas
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- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella1 estrella67%16%9%4%4%4%
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KKReseñado en Estados Unidos el 17 de mayo de 2021
5,0 de 5 estrellas Words of man who "Was"
The words of a man who perceived and sensed more than others.
DarrenReseñado en el Reino Unido el 1 de julio de 2021
5,0 de 5 estrellas Gurdjieff "Life Is Real Only Then, When 'I Am'"
The Parchment edition, so bigger format than all previous versions.
Superb read
ManuReseñado en Canadá el 12 de junio de 2020
5,0 de 5 estrellas Great book
Good value
- Dina FranReseñado en México el 15 de septiembre de 2018
5,0 de 5 estrellas Gurdjieff, Maestro!
Gurdjieff no es para cualquiera, tienes que alcanzar cierto grado de conciencia para poder entender y recibir todo lo que él tiene para darte. Es un libro que te hace esperar bastante para llegar al punto que estabas esperando, sin embargo eso lo hace excitante.
rajatReseñado en India el 1 de octubre de 2016
5,0 de 5 estrellas A Remarkable book!
G.I.Gurdieff was a Master. This book is his last in the three series of books he wrote. And it is a summarising book of what's he wrote in his other books. It is concerned to search the fundamental aim of mans life on earth and existence. A very remarkable book written by an enlightened master.
Amazon delivered it by the next day :-)