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Using Gift of the Earth with Faith: A Faith-Based Reference Guide for dōTERRA Essential Oils and Supplements (Love, Light, and Healing with Faith) Tapa dura – 15 junio 2021
Opciones de compra y complementos
Using Gifts of the Earth with Faith is more than a guide for emotions and essential oils. It is a faith-based reference guide for wellness products including 99 single essential oils and 69 essential oil blends (specifically oils and blends from dōTERRA) and wellness supplements to assist in the energy balancing process. It’s comprehensive, too. This book contains entries for every essential oil or essential oil blend that dōTERRA has ever offered in the US, Australia, or Canada. It also contains every supplement that dōTERRA currently offers in these markets.
Each entry contains both negative and positive emotional and energetic information for each product along with affirmations, uses, and suggested substitutions. This book is intended to help people discover emotional root issues, blocks, and beliefs, through understanding the wellness product their body needs, and to support them in releasing and replacing negative emotions and beliefs with positive and supportive ones. This guide is designed specifically to be used with the energy balancing with faith methodology. To learn more, please see the Energy Balancing with Faith book and course at jadebalden.com.
- Reference guide for oils and supplements
- 99 Single oils, 69 Oil blends, 32 Supplements
- Energetic characteristics, positive and negative emotions, physical manifestations, affirmations, usage, and suggested substitutions
- Get a deeper understanding of your essential oils
- Get insights from your body's physical manifestations
- Understand energetic and emotional connections
- Affirmations and beliefs to support deep change
- Tap into essential oils to balance your energy and life
- Longitud de impresión520 páginas
- IdiomaInglés
- Fecha de publicación15 junio 2021
- Dimensiones15.24 x 3.58 x 22.86 cm
- ISBN-13979-8521373307
Detalles del producto
- ASIN : B0972SQ8WN
- Editorial : Independently published (15 junio 2021)
- Idioma : Inglés
- Tapa dura : 520 páginas
- ISBN-13 : 979-8521373307
- Peso del producto : 866 g
- Dimensiones : 15.24 x 3.58 x 22.86 cm
- Opiniones de los clientes:
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