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Sabbat Planner & Journal Samhain 2024 - Mabon 2025: The Original Witch's Wheel of the Year Companion from Persephone's Boutique Tapa blanda – 13 agosto 2024
Opciones de compra y complementos
✨ Sabbat Planner & Journal 2024-2025: A Year of Magickal Celebrations ✨
Unlock the magick of the Wheel of the Year with the Sabbat Planner & Journal -your ultimate guide to celebrating the sabbats with intention, mindfulness, and joy. Now in its 7th year and 2nd year in print, this beautifully crafted planner spans from Samhain 2024 through Mabon 2025 and is designed specifically for practitioners in the northern hemisphere.
Why Choose This Planner?
As a devoted witch and spiritual seeker, I know how quickly the sabbats can come and go, leaving us feeling unprepared and longing for a deeper connection. That’s why I created this planner - to ensure you never miss an opportunity to honor each sabbat fully and with heart. This planner is more than just a schedule; it’s a sacred space where you can plan, reflect, and celebrate the turning of the seasons.
What’s Inside?
- Intention Setting: Begin each sabbat with thoughtfully crafted prompts to help you set powerful intentions and align your energies with the season’s magick.
- Astrological Insights: Dive into the celestial influences of each sabbat with detailed astrological information, including sun and moon phases, major aspects, and how to harness their energies.
- Creative Celebrations: Explore seasonal crafts, decorations, and nature observations that add a touch of magick to your sabbat preparations and celebrations.
- *NEW* Magickal Brews & Elixirs: Delight in unique, seasonal recipes that capture the essence of each sabbat, perfect for sharing in ritual or enjoying alone as part of your spiritual practice.
- *NEW* Rituals & Spells: Engage in meaningful rituals and spells tailored to each sabbat, designed to deepen your spiritual practice and enhance your connection to the natural world.
- *NEW* Gratitude Prompts: Reflect on the abundance and blessings in your life with gratitude prompts specifically created for each season, helping you cultivate a heart full of thanks.
- Journal Pages: Capture your thoughts, experiences, and spiritual journey with ample journal pages dedicated to each sabbat, allowing you to document your path throughout the year.
Perfect for All Practitioners
Whether you’re a seasoned witch or new to the path, the Sabbat Planner & Journal offers something for everyone. It’s an invaluable tool for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice, stay connected to the cycles of the earth, and celebrate each sabbat with intentionality and joy.
Published by Persephone’s Boutique (Angel Persephone)
Join the Journey
Make 2024-2025 your most magickal year yet with the Sabbat Planner & Journal. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create sacred space, embrace the magick of the seasons, and honor the Wheel of the Year with heart and soul 🖤
- Longitud de impresión250 páginas
- IdiomaInglés
- Fecha de publicación13 agosto 2024
- Dimensiones20.32 x 1.45 x 25.4 cm
- ISBN-13979-8894966939
Detalles del producto
- Editorial : Persephone's Boutique (13 agosto 2024)
- Idioma : Inglés
- Tapa blanda : 250 páginas
- ISBN-13 : 979-8894966939
- Peso del producto : 630 g
- Dimensiones : 20.32 x 1.45 x 25.4 cm
- Clasificación en los más vendidos de Amazon: nº535.365 en Libros en inglés
- nº775.595 en Libros en idiomas extranjeros
- Opiniones de los clientes:
Opiniones de clientes
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Charles DavisReseñado en Estados Unidos el 8 de octubre de 2024
5,0 de 5 estrellas BEAUTIFUL
This book is absolutely incredible! It's perfect for anyone who wants to be more consistent with there practice. It's the support that you want during each turn of the wheel. It gives an amazing place to put your energy and time. The author has a YouTube channel and she thumbs through it. The illustrations and journal questions are just the spark you want to start each next chapter of your life. It's everything you could ever want in a planner for your spirituality.
Charles DavisBEAUTIFUL
Reseñado en Estados Unidos el 8 de octubre de 2024
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