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Gurdjieff and the Women of the Rope: Notes of Meetings in Paris and New York 1935-1939 and 1948-1949 (English Edition) Format Kindle
In allegory he explained: You are going on a journey under my guidance, an “inner-world journey” like a high mountain climb where you must be roped together for safety, where each must think of the others on the rope, all for one and one for all. You must, in short, help each other “as hand washes hand,” each contributing to the company according to her lights, according to her means. Only faithful hard work on yourselves will get you where I want you to go, not your wishing.
Among themselves they called their foursome “The Rope.”
The company around Gurdjieff’s table, his principal teaching site, soon expanded to include Louise Davidson, Margaret Anderson, Georgette Leblanc, and Jane Heap.
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Détails sur le produit
- Éditeur : Book Studio (4 avril 2020)
- Langue : Anglais
- Taille du fichier : 19.0 MB
- Synthèse vocale : Activée
- Lecteur d’écran : Pris en charge
- Confort de lecture : Activé
- X-Ray : Non activée
- Word Wise : Activé
- Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 272 pages
- Commentaires client :
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- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile5 étoiles76%13%4%0%7%76%
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- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile3 étoiles76%13%4%0%7%4%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile2 étoiles76%13%4%0%7%0%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile1 étoile76%13%4%0%7%7%
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Meilleurs commentaires provenant d’autres pays
M. W.Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 18 février 2017
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Entertaining and Astonishing! You could say he was brutal with his students but he was pushing them to fight for their souls!
This is the most entertaining of all the 4th way/Gurdjieffs books I've read so far. Gurdjieff was a flame thrower with his students, especially in the beginning of their education. That said, he got results and it was all supposed to happen in 6 months. What I find most hilarious is that Gurdjieff people have a reputation for being 'Spock-like,' people who do not emote. Gurdjieff was outrageous yet disciplined. There are so many hilarious and astonishing episodes. These women felt exhausted, stressed and emotionally stripped to the bone a lot of the time, but they learned and they changed for the better. It reads like a play, but actually it is taken straight from the women's notes during the months that they lived together with Gurdjieff in a French villa. Most of them were lesbians, a fact that does not make any difference in the book. Every day he assigned each one their personal thought exercises. He also dictated their health regime and aspects of their diet. One night he insisted they all had to enemas. It's not very abstract, it is mostly day to day gritty reality. He finds a thousand ways to make them see how stuck in their ruts they are and keep them desperately clawing their way toward liberation.
Josefa HalbyAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 29 novembre 2014
5,0 sur 5 étoiles This book takes you back to paris in the 1920's ...
This book takes you back to paris in the 1920's and 30's while giving a glimpse of how direct work with gurdjieff changed the lifes of his pupils
BadBobAvis laissé aux États-Unis le 23 mai 2016
5,0 sur 5 étoiles "Rope" is not inspirational or hope-giving, but unexpectedly encouraging.
These notes taken from life – and death – have been an excellent reminder that high ideas are worth little if not stirred into the pot of daily events – our ordinary life. The words used by both teacher and pupil(s) are plainly printed on each page of human need-aspiring. That this giving-of-necessary-data even to such excellent examples of contemporary humanity could take place is not miraculous – it is utterly arresting. Of course this isn’t a good book in any conventional sense – it probably will not speak to “good” readers either. Frequent examples of “destroying mercilessly” and “providing new material” are to be found, as well as numerous apparently apt (and much enjoyed by their originator) “formulations” of Mr. Gurdjieff. It is a little surprising to note that while almost everyone mentioned in the book is “colored” in a quite specific manner, no one is ultimately painted with any undue sentimentality.
AshAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 28 février 2015
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Fascinating read
A fascinating selection of entries giving snippets of who Gurdjieff was
amanda pattersonAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 18 octobre 2017
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Five Stars