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Orage's Commentary on Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: New York Talks 1926-1930 (English Edition) Format Kindle
Orage: It isn't a matter of how it can be done, but of understanding what it means and then wishing to hear the book that way. Remember how you listened to stories you heard when you were a child, so that you participated, your hair stood on end and your eyes shone or you wept? That is reading with all three centers, and Gurdjieff would hope the book reading could be of that order.
A. R. Orage's commentaries on Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson are an essential part of the Fourth Way literature. They demonstrate a way of approaching and understanding a work that Orage considered to be literature of the highest kind. As the figures in Beelzebub are mythological and their language, parabolical, the book may not be easily comprehensible by the average reader or Fourth Way beginner. Orage's commentaries help to clarify and simplify the important lessons in the book by serving as keys to understanding Beelzebub which, as Gurdjieff once said, are all in the book, but not near their locks. Available to the reader for the first time in its entirety, this present volume promises a multifaceted illumination of Beezlebub.
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Détails sur le produit
- ASIN : B0874VQMT5
- Éditeur : Book Studio (14 avril 2020)
- Langue : Anglais
- Taille du fichier : 3.1 MB
- Synthèse vocale : Activée
- Lecteur d’écran : Pris en charge
- Confort de lecture : Activé
- X-Ray : Non activée
- Word Wise : Activé
- Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 310 pages
- Commentaires client :
Commentaires client
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile5 étoiles85%15%0%0%0%85%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile4 étoiles85%15%0%0%0%15%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile3 étoiles85%15%0%0%0%0%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile2 étoiles85%15%0%0%0%0%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile1 étoile85%15%0%0%0%0%
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Meilleurs commentaires provenant d’autres pays
J. W. BeanAvis laissé aux États-Unis le 13 novembre 2019
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Don't Read Gurdjieff Without It
Who could possibly distribute accurate information about Gurdjieff's masterpiece better than the coworker and editor who gave the world the original edition, the 1950 English edition. Every page surprises with depth and breadth of understanding and many of those shock by bringing insights that would almost be impossible to discover from reading Beelzebub's Tales itself or any of the many other commentaries. This edition is more and better in many ways than anything previous available.
FrauenfarnAvis laissé en Allemagne le 22 août 2016
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Sehr hilfreiches Buch beim Studium von Gurdjieff's "Beelzebub's Erzählungen für seinen Enkel"
Eines meiner ersten wirklichen hilfreichen Bücher von Schülern von Herrn Gurdjieff war "Teachings of Gurdjiefff - The Journal of a Pupil" von C.S. Nott. Im zweiten Teil seines Buches waren "Orage's commentary on "Beelzebub" veröffentlicht. Ich fand diese einfachen Hinweise, Reflektionen, Stichworte sehr hilfreich und ermutigend. Später fand ich die umfangreichen getippten Aufzeichnungen von A.R. Orage, Lawrence Morris, Sherman Manchester als "wilde" pdf's irgendwo im Internet. Diese waren optisch von sehr schlechter Qualität und alles etwas zusammen gemischt. Umso mehr freute es mich, dass da ein paar beherzte Menschen sich an die Arbeit gemacht hatten und das ganze Material schön und klar editiert und zusammen gestellt haben. ... und als Sahnehäubchen gibt es einen prima Index am Ende des Buches dazu. Vielen Dank.
AllopenAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 11 septembre 2013
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Essential reading, but......
This book of over 360 pages comprises apparently complete and unabridged notes of Orages talks in New York, though edited for readability. (A small part of the notes were edited by and included in C.S Nott's Teachings of Gurdjieff, The Journal of a Pupil: An Account of Some Years With G. I. Gurdjieff and A. R. Orage in New York and at Fontainebleau-Avon.)
I would say that these commentaries are essential reading for the serious student of G.I. Gurdjieff's magnum opus and are replete with hints as to the layers of meanings therein. Orage was instrumental in editing Gurdjieff's book into English and these talks clearly demonstrate his deep grasp of the scope of Gurdjieff's allegory, in a way I have found nowhere else, in such detail.
It is very important that Gurdjieff's "Friendly Advice", which can be found at the beginning of Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, is read and acted on, namely to read Beelzebub's Tales three times in the manner prescribed by the author. I cannot stress enough that this should be done before reading Orage's commentaries. To ignore the above advice could greatly reduce the impact and benefit which can be accrued by reading these books in the recommended order and manner.
DarrenAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 30 juin 2021
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Orage's Commentary on G.I. Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson
Valuable addition to the Gurdjieff universe of literature
Ziprgun5Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 19 décembre 2014
5,0 sur 5 étoiles A.R. Orage's completely brilliant talks given from 1926 – 30, when he was editing the very selfsame book. Absolutely mandatory.
This book is simply a marvel. Where C.S. Nott's first book, "Teachings of Gurdjeiff– A pupils Journal" contained about 100 pages of Orage's commentaries on Beelzebub's tales, George Gurdjieff's magnus opus, This new book is 378 pages fully packed in typescript of garages talks from 1926 – 1930, while he was editing for Mister Gurdjeff (Orage is one of the premier editors of the twentieth century). This book shows the absolute brilliance of Orage without being pedantic. Some of it is duplicate because they are from the notes of 2 people who both went to some of the same meetings but also separate, but the fact is that there is no better, right to Beelzebub on earth than Mister Orage's very close hand view. There are an increasing number of new and valuable books due to the expiration of copyrights and or of release of secret documents after the 50 year holding period so it is a very exciting time among the people who follow the teachings of Mister Gurdjeff seriously. I would say that this book is mandatory.