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Women with Healing Gifts: Breaking Barriers and Changing the World (English Edition) Format Kindle

5,0 5,0 sur 5 étoiles 5 évaluations

Presenting "Women with Healing Gifts: Breaking Barriers and Changing the World," a stirring celebration of the transformative journeys and unwavering resilience of remarkable women. Through the narratives of 22 extraordinary individuals who have defied conventions to effect change, this book invites you to delve into a world of inspiration and empowerment. Reflect on your personal healing journey and explore the endless possibilities within your reach.

"Women with Healing Gifts: Breaking Barriers and Changing the World" is more than an homage to the transformative power of women. It's a collective summons for action, encouraging us to acknowledge and appreciate the inherent healing abilities within us, regardless of gender. It propels us to embrace our distinctive talents and utilize them to cultivate a more harmonious, empathetic world.

Let this book act as an impetus for change, a symbol of hope, and a testament to the boundless nature of healing. The stories enclosed within will light a spark within you, empowering you to embark on your healing journey and contribute to the collective transformation we all yearn for.

Welcome to the empowering realm of "Women with Healing Gifts: Breaking Barriers and Changing the World." This book is aimed to resonate with spiritual and emotional healers committed to changing the world. Discover the profound impact of these healing gifts and be inspired to break barriers and make a greater impact on the planet.


Chapter 1: How I Discovered My Healer’s Gift and Mastered My Life by Lorrel Elian
Chapter 2: Fear Breathed Life Into Me by Lynda Sunshine West
Chapter 3: Me, Myself and I by Anja Schwarz
Chapter 4: Extremely Sensitive to a Strong, Powerful, Confident Woman by Anjana Nambissan
Chapter 5: Belonging by Christiane Anna Rodriguez
Chapter 6: Empathy, Nurture, Sensitivity, Protective Instinct: Are They a Gift or a Curse? by Dina Leland
Chapter 7: Everyone Is a Healer by Dina Sabnani
Chapter 8: Left Behind, Again and Again by Gail Kraft
Chapter 9: Being a Caregiver by Janet Ward
Chapter 10: May Pain Reminded Me of My Destiny by Kim Robinson
Chapter 11: Lessons I had to Learn to Begin Healing Myself by Lauren Best
Chapter 12: Angels Amongst Us by Lindsey Hagood
Chapter 13: Honoring My Gifts by Maria De Lira
Chapter 14: The Depth of a Woman’s Healing Power by Mary Elizabeth Jackson
Chapter 15: The Medicine of Winter by Melissa Renee
Chapter 16: Spacious Presence by Michel Spruance
Chapter 17: The Energy Architect™ by Nasirra R. Ahamed
Chapter 18: How to Take the Journey to Heal by Rita Farruggia
Chapter 19: Boldly Pursuing My Gifts by Sally Green
Chapter 20: Heal Yourself So You Can Heal the World by Shanna Lee Moore
Chapter 21: From Grief to Grace by Tiffiny Roper
Chapter 22: Rise… and Walk by Victoria Rader

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Détails sur le produit

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C71Z8PTL
  • Éditeur ‏ : ‎ Action Takers Publishing (2 juin 2023)
  • Langue ‏ : ‎ Anglais
  • Taille du fichier ‏ : ‎ 6.0 MB
  • Utilisation simultanée de l'appareil  ‏ : ‎ Illimité
  • Synthèse vocale ‏ : ‎ Activée
  • Lecteur d’écran  ‏ : ‎ Pris en charge
  • Confort de lecture ‏ : ‎ Activé
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Non activée
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Activé
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée  ‏ : ‎ 265 pages
  • Commentaires client :
    5,0 5,0 sur 5 étoiles 5 évaluations

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