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Facing Death: Welcoming the Afterlife (English Edition) Formato Kindle
To assist you in preparing for your own death, or that of a loved one, you will find guidelines herein for making one's final days as peaceful and as smooth as possible, both physically and spiritually. Preparing for death, no matter what stage of life you are in, can transform your whole outlook in a positive way, if understood properly. This will make things clearer in regard to what matters most in this life.
This book is easy to read, with soothing and comforting wisdom, along with stories of people who have been with departing souls and what they have experienced. It is written especially for those who have given death little thought beforehand, but would now like to have some preparedness for what may need to be done regarding many levels of the experience and what might take place during this transition. This book is provided to relieve anyone of the fear that often accompanies the thought of death, and to supply a means to more clearly understand the purpose of it and how we can use it for our higher good, and reach the spiritual domain.
It will also help the survivors of the departed souls to better understand what happens and how to cope with it. It is written especially for those who have given death little thought beforehand, but would now like to have some preparedness for what may need to be done regarding many levels of the experience. Furthermore, it shows that death is not a tragedy, but a natural course of events meant to help us reach our destiny.
Topics include:
The opportunity and purpose of death as the portal into the next life.
Positive stories of being with those leaving us.
Connecting to the spiritual side of death.
Being the assistant of one leaving this life.
What happens at the time of death.
How spiritually no one really dies.
So no matter whether you are afraid of death, or concerned about surviving the death of a loved one, or are worried about those that you will leave behind if you depart, or what death will be like and how to prepare for it, this book will help you.
Stephen Knapp has studied the major world religions since a young age, and has written over 20 books on Eastern and Vedic philosophy. He has practiced high levels of spirituality and meditation for over 40 years. He has also worked in home care for the sick and elderly, and has participated in hospice activities, sensitively assisting the dying in crossing over. This book is a combination of his many years of experience in this line of activity.
- Data di pubblicazione30 aprile 2008
- LinguaInglese
- Dimensioni file252 KB
Lettori E-Book Kindle
Tablet Kindle Fire
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Descrizione prodotto
Dettagli prodotto
- ASIN : B004YQR8K6
- Editore : World Relief Network (30 aprile 2008)
- Lingua : Inglese
- Dimensioni file : 252 KB
- Da testo a voce : Abilitato
- Screen Reader : Supportato
- Miglioramenti tipografici : Abilitato
- X-Ray : Non abilitato
- Word Wise : Abilitato
- Lunghezza stampa : 144 pagine
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pdkRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 6 marzo 2013
5,0 su 5 stelle Best manual for leaving this world
I have bought at least 10 copies of this book and given them to friends. And one friend I sent a copy of this book to then ordered 6 or 8 for her friends. I have been a hospice volunteer, and seen more than a couple of friends die. Most people are not emtionally, mentally or spiritually prepared for this journey, and yet every one of us, and everyone we know, must take it. Makes sense to get ready. Most people are afraid of death even if they claim not to be.
Knapp covers such topics as tying up loose ends of financial and practical matters (in brief), healing old wounds or grievances, detaching from the responsiblilties, attachments and things of the world we cannot take with us (but many people cling to nonetheless), and devolping inner spiritual peace and comfort. He uses quotes from many traditions so anyone can gain benefit from this book not matter what their beliefs. In fact, the quotes alone from ancient books of wisdom are helpful for anyone, dying soon or not. He also has much useful information for caretakers, friends and relatives of those soon to die.
I lent this book to a friend who was slowly dying of liver failure, and she found great comfort and wisdom, and told me it helped her tremendously. When she could no longer read much, I read it aloud to her, and she kept it on her bed. What better testimony than thi?
"Bob"Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 20 gennaio 2014
5,0 su 5 stelle recommended for all mortal humans
This book will provide a compact preview of the death process for all those nearing that transition, as well as a wake up call for the rest of us who still have ample time to prepare fully.
Sandy HetrickRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 1 giugno 2016
2,0 su 5 stelle Two Stars
Just another theory on reincarnation .
Amazon CustomerRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 14 novembre 2014
5,0 su 5 stelle Five Stars
thought provoking, real inward evaulation