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The Doctrine of God Copertina flessibile – 3 novembre 2023
Opzioni di acquisto e componenti aggiuntivi
This book, derived from "The Christian’s Reasonable Service," stands as a synthesis of the best Puritan literature from both England and the Netherlands. It represents a pivotal contribution to Reformed Pietism, emphasizing the harmonious blend of mystical and ethical elements within Christianity, which was characteristic of the great Pietists in the Reformed tradition.
The author, affectionately known as "Father Brakel," wrote this work primarily for the benefit of church members, though he also hoped that theologians would find it valuable. His aim was to bridge the gap between abstract theological concepts and their practical application in the lives of believers, ultimately emphasizing the importance of experiential theology. He believed that religious experiences should bring doctrinal beliefs from the text into a personal and transformative encounter with God.
The book explores major doctrines of the Bible in a manner that promotes godliness and spiritual renewal among its readers. While it exhibits a distinct Puritan flavor, it represents Reformed experiential religion at its finest. Throughout its pages, à Brakel consistently elevates the name of Jesus Christ as the only name under heaven whereby humanity can find salvation.
The table of contents provides an overview of the topics covered in the book, starting with the knowledge of God from nature and progressing through discussions on the Word of God, the essence of God, the divine persons, the decrees of God, eternal predestination (including election and reprobation), the covenant of redemption, the creation of the world, angels and devils, and the providence of God.
In keeping with its intended audience of laypeople, the book includes practical applications of each doctrine discussed. It addresses individuals in various spiritual states, offering guidance and encouragement to the unconverted, those who may have backslidden spiritually, and mature believers seeking to deepen their faith.
"The Doctrine of God" by Wilhelmus à Brakel has endured for over three centuries, leaving an indelible mark on Reformed theology and continuing to influence scholars and followers of Puritan literature. It remains a profound resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith and its practical implications in their daily lives.
- Lunghezza stampa405 pagine
- LinguaInglese
- Data di pubblicazione3 novembre 2023
- Dimensioni13.97 x 2.34 x 21.59 cm
- ISBN-101961807270
- ISBN-13978-1961807273
Dettagli prodotto
- Editore : Monergism Books LLC (3 novembre 2023)
- Lingua : Inglese
- Copertina flessibile : 405 pagine
- ISBN-10 : 1961807270
- ISBN-13 : 978-1961807273
- Peso articolo : 599 g
- Dimensioni : 13.97 x 2.34 x 21.59 cm
- Recensioni dei clienti:
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Jared BaergenRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 25 dicembre 2024
2,0 su 5 stelle Needs Editing
I really like the idea of taking larger theological works and producing smaller portions of them. This makes the larger works more accessible to students in a classroom. However, this is the second Monergism book that I have purchased that requires significant editing. The file format was saved improperly and Hebrew characters are corrupted. There are also additional numbers, bullets, paragraphs, and spacing all over the place. It is definitely not unreadable, but I do wish the fantastic content of Wilhelmus À Brakel was presented better.