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Christ Set Forth: In his Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Sitting at God’s right hand, & Intercession, As the CAUSE of Justification, and the OBJECT of ... Faith Upon Romans 8:34 (English Edition) Formato Kindle
Thomas Goodwin (1600 – 1680)
CHRIST SET FORTH In his Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Sitting at God’s right hand, & Intercession, As the CAUSE of Justification, and the OBJECT of Justifying Faith Upon Romans 8:34
TOGETHER WITH A TREATISE DISCOVERING The Affectionate tenderness of CHRIST’s HEART now, in Heaven, unto Sinners on Earth. By Thomas Goodwin, B. D.
London, Printed by J. G. for R. Dawlman, 1651
Whenever we would go down into our own hearts, and take a view of our graces, let us be sure first to look wholly out of ourselves unto Christ, as our justification, and to close with them immediately; and this as if we had no present or by-past grace to evidence our being in him. And if then, while faith is thus immediately clasping about Christ, as sitting upon his throne of grace, we find either present or fore-past graces coming in as handmaids, to attend and witness to the truth of this adherence unto Christ (as after such single and absolute acts of faith it oftentimes falls out);—the Holy Ghost (without whose light they shine not) "bearing witness with our spirits," that is, our graces, as well as to our spirits;—and then again, for the issue of them, if in the closure of all, we again let fall our viewing and comforting ourselves in them, or this their testimony, and begin afresh (upon his encouragement) to act faith upon Christ immediately with a redoubled strength; if thus (I say) we make such evidences to be subservient only unto faith (while it makes Christ its Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all), this will be no prejudice at all to Christ's glory, or the workings of faith itself; for by this course the life of faith is still actually maintained and kept upon wing in its full use and exercise towards Christ alone for justification. Whereas many Christians do habitually make that only but as a supposed or taken for granted principle, which they seldom use, but have laid up for a time of need; but actually live more in the view and comfort of their own graces, and the gracious workings thereof in the duties towards Christ.
- LinguaInglese
- Data di pubblicazione11 ottobre 2021
- Dimensioni file2511 KB
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Dettagli prodotto
- Editore : Monergism Books (11 ottobre 2021)
- Lingua : Inglese
- Dimensioni file : 2511 KB
- Utilizzo simultaneo di dispositivi : illimitato
- Da testo a voce : Abilitato
- Screen Reader : Supportato
- Miglioramenti tipografici : Abilitato
- X-Ray : Non abilitato
- Word Wise : Abilitato
- Lunghezza stampa : 173 pagine
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