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American English Dialogues for English Learners: What Are the Best Ways to Learn English? (English Edition) Formato Kindle

This book allows English Learners to build their American English communication and comprehension skills and learn practical ways to increase English fluency. Whether you’re an English Learner, a teacher, or a tutor of American English, this book is intended to help improve American English conversation and pronunciation skills, vocabulary, reading, and listening comprehension. Students who practice regularly reading the dialogues included here with their teachers, tutors, and English Learner partners are likely to increase their American English communication and comprehension skills. English Learners of all fluency levels often ask for additional conversation practice and strategies for learning English faster and more effectively. This book aims to help American English Learners and their teachers and tutors by providing a multitude of dialogues on various topics pertaining to effective strategies and tools for learning English.
The 100 dialogues included here focus on effective tools and strategies for building English fluency, including:
  • The benefits of making new friends and social interaction for learning American English
  • Tools and strategies for improving reading skills Tools and strategies for improving listening skills
  • Tools and strategies for improving speaking skills
  • Tools and strategies for improving writing skills
  • Tools and strategies for improving vocabulary skills
  • Benefits of watching movies in English
  • Benefits of watching television in English Benefits of listening to the radio in English
  • Benefits of listening to online podcasts in English

The dialogues here are quite short and highly accessible by English Learners of all levels. Teachers and tutors are asked to first read each dialogue to the students, then have the students repeat and read each dialogue out loud. Finally, English Learners are encouraged to read each dialogue in groups of 2, taking turns reading the dialogue for each speaker. To further improve comprehension and vocabulary, English Learners are encouraged to identify any words from the dialogues that are difficult to understand, translate them into their primary language, and define them using an online or book-based English dictionary. After reading and repeating these dialogues, students, teachers, and tutors are encouraged to research, discuss, and present on specific American movies, actors and actresses, television channels and shows, radio channels, and programs, as well as various podcasts, including podcasts specifically created for English Learners, to further expand opportunities for learning and developing the English Language.
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Dettagli prodotto

  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese
  • Dimensioni file ‏ : ‎ 248 KB
  • Da testo a voce ‏ : ‎ Abilitato
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supportato
  • Miglioramenti tipografici ‏ : ‎ Abilitato
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Non abilitato
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Abilitato
  • Lunghezza stampa ‏ : ‎ 42 pagine
  • Numeri di pagina fonte ISBN ‏ : ‎ B0BW2GDKXH

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Ioan Elvis Sersea
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