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Thirty-one Days to Salvation on the Vedic Path (English Edition) Kindle版
Thirty-one Days to Salvation on the Vedic Path, by Stephen Knapp
This booklet is based on the 108 most essential verses of the Bhagavad-gita and clearly helps show how easy and simple this path can be. By taking one lesson a day and adding the recommended principles and characteristics to your life, by the end of 31 days, as long as you do not give up the spiritual principles you have accepted, you will have most everything you need to reach salvation, or moksha as it is called in Sanskrit, which means liberation from material existence through enlightenment, and back to the spiritual realm. That is the main point: do not give up the spiritual assets that you acquire for spiritual liberation through these instructions. This booklet is meant for anyone’s advancement on the path of Santana-dharma, the eternal and universal spiritual process meant for everyone.
Stephen Knapp has studied the major Vedic texts of India and practiced yoga and the Eastern teachings for 40 years. He has traveled throughout India and has a collection of over 17,000 slides and images of the many holy places and temples he has visited. He has authored over twenty well-received books on Vedic culture and Eastern spirituality. He also regularly gives lectures at various venues both in America and in India. He is also the president of the Vedic Friends Association. There is much more information about him on his website: www.stephen-knapp.com and at http://stephenknapp.info, and http://stephenknapp.wordpress.com.
This booklet is based on the 108 most essential verses of the Bhagavad-gita and clearly helps show how easy and simple this path can be. By taking one lesson a day and adding the recommended principles and characteristics to your life, by the end of 31 days, as long as you do not give up the spiritual principles you have accepted, you will have most everything you need to reach salvation, or moksha as it is called in Sanskrit, which means liberation from material existence through enlightenment, and back to the spiritual realm. That is the main point: do not give up the spiritual assets that you acquire for spiritual liberation through these instructions. This booklet is meant for anyone’s advancement on the path of Santana-dharma, the eternal and universal spiritual process meant for everyone.
Stephen Knapp has studied the major Vedic texts of India and practiced yoga and the Eastern teachings for 40 years. He has traveled throughout India and has a collection of over 17,000 slides and images of the many holy places and temples he has visited. He has authored over twenty well-received books on Vedic culture and Eastern spirituality. He also regularly gives lectures at various venues both in America and in India. He is also the president of the Vedic Friends Association. There is much more information about him on his website: www.stephen-knapp.com and at http://stephenknapp.info, and http://stephenknapp.wordpress.com.
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- 出版社 : The World Relief Network (2001/9/1)
- 発売日 : 2001/9/1
- 言語 : 英語
- ファイルサイズ : 132 KB
- 同時に利用できる端末数 : 無制限
- Text-to-Speech(テキスト読み上げ機能) : 有効
- X-Ray : 有効にされていません
- Word Wise : 有効
- 本の長さ : 43ページ
- カスタマーレビュー:

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