I found this book entertaining, if nothing else. I have to imagine the author listing the characters and then calculating all of the possible combinations and permutations. And most every permutation is covered here, too!
In the world of A Bear Walks Into a Bar, shifters are a secret from the rest of modern society. It appears that shifters are all variety of mammals - bears, wolves, elk, cougars, rabbits, and more. The shifters are tribal within their species and all look upon one another with suspicion. Sawyer is the bear in charge of them all and has to deal with the different factions. So that sets up the plot, and indeed covers most of the plot in the book.
What fills the rest? Pure, unadulterated smut. Which is just fine by me, but it doesn't make for a particularly deep reading experience. To be clear, the book is literally 75% sex scenes and 25% plot. The characters are fun, though, and the situations are damn hot. Dillon is adorable, a shy caregiver type. Sawyer is the big gruff alpha who is learning that maybe he doesn't have to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. And then there's Brad, the fox shifter. He's cute, he's insecure, and he's way oversexed. (Furry fans may smile and nod here.)
Plot-wise I'd give this a 3 out of 5, but for entertainment value I'd give it a 5. Let's take an average and call it a rating of 4. Enjoy!
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A Bear Walks Into a Bar (English Edition) Kindle版
It takes one strong alpha with a tight grip to keep a mountain full of shifters under control. Sawyer Ballantine’s contending with an uppity wolf leader and a herd of shifter elk bound and determined to take over. He might be the lone bear on the mountain, but he’s not going to allow another four shifters to just move in, especially not when they whiff of power. They’ll either be his in all ways, or they’ll be gone.
Dillon, Jerry, Kevin, and Brad have no one but each other since their groups kicked them out. The young bear, wolves, and fox make a merry ménage, pooling their meager skills and serving beer. They’ve stumbled into more than they understand, caught in the dispute between the Urso of Ballantine Mountain and the elk. But winter’s setting in, and they don’t know how to keep Dillon safe for hibernation.
And then a bear walks into their bar.
Dillon, Jerry, Kevin, and Brad have no one but each other since their groups kicked them out. The young bear, wolves, and fox make a merry ménage, pooling their meager skills and serving beer. They’ve stumbled into more than they understand, caught in the dispute between the Urso of Ballantine Mountain and the elk. But winter’s setting in, and they don’t know how to keep Dillon safe for hibernation.
And then a bear walks into their bar.
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- 出版社 : Rocky Ridge Books (2016/1/16)
- 発売日 : 2016/1/16
- 言語 : 英語
- ファイルサイズ : 3.4 MB
- 同時に利用できる端末数 : 無制限
- Text-to-Speech(テキスト読み上げ機能) : 有効
- X-Ray : 有効にされていません
- Word Wise : 有効
- 本の長さ : 238ページ
- カスタマーレビュー:

上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
Duncan Husky2017年9月19日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち4.0 It ain't Tolstoy, but it sure is fun!
Amazonで購入 -
5つ星のうち4.0 Sex, sex, and a bit more sex, with a side of emotional attachment
Amazonで購入For starters, don't go into reading this book unless you expect what it is; m/m erotica. And we're talking can't go two pages without having sex, plenty of orgies, sex is the cornerstone, erotica. If you go in expecting that you can enjoy this book, because that is aha!endlessly what it was and I found it quite enjoyable.
There isn't cheating in this book because relationships aren't traditional. Sex is many things amongst shifters: a welcome, a party, an assessment, a reassurance, power, safety, balance, and even punishment. So, in a way the characters are in open relationships whereupon they have someone they care for most, but they partake in the orgies with everyone. It is a very polyamorous sort of life but it (mostly) works for this story.
There is a plot running through all of the sex going on. At first, I wasn't really liking where it was going. It seemed the book was going to be about four shifters, kicked out by their respective groups, who had come to make a life together by running a bar, subsequently getting split up by the head shifter where they settled, and getting taught to be ruthless alphas. But as we learn more about Sawyer we see that his plan isn't about making them heartless, but bringing stability and peace to the mountain, and you start to get behind the plan. Then, as Sawyer gets to know Dillon and his friends, that plan shifts again, and deeper caring begins to shape their future. I enjoyed this turn of events and found that it worked well with the rest of the story. A bit of intrigue in a story of erotic liaisons, a nice quick read!
T ann2016年1月22日に英国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち3.0 Not a romance - this is pure bed hopping and sex, sex and more sex.
Amazonで購入This book seems to be marmite - you will probably love or hate it. I'm in two minds. On one hand I read and completed this,It didn't bore or annoy me and I liked the characters. That in itself is amazing given that this book is packed full of my least favourite storyline -bed hopping. EVERY one of the half dozen characters sleep with each other even though some are "mates" - it's written in as part of the storyline but it's not my favourite plot. I did nearly return this as it came close to some non consenting sex ( never mind dubious) but the author managed to avoid that and the characters enjoyed everything instead so I carried on. It wasn't badly written but I won't be rushing to 're read as there's no real substance here - let's be honest it's one to read if you want a complete paranormal orgy to entertain you.
Kindle Customer2016年1月27日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 If you want a lot of gay sex with a good story.
Amazonで購入I decided to read this book this morning....and I finished it five hours later lol
I was pleasantly surprised that the blurb was very accurate. First, the sex was intense, crazy and plentiful! However, that didn't overpower what a clever and well-crafted paranormal world was created in the story. If you want a lot of gay sex with a good story...aka plot with some porn lol...you need to read this! I am truly hoping that there is a sequel!
5つ星のうち5.0 I just finish this book and liked it a lot
Amazonで購入I just finish this book and liked it a lot. A good sexy story with some character development,yes it can be done.