This book helps us how to think about the business agility. Agility is not only a tool that you use to develop a new product, but is a philosophy that make you think about the strategies of your organization. The three level that the company should adopt, the way to think about the goals, where you want to reach or how many efforts do you waft to spend to have this profit or revenue.
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Rethinking Agile: Why Agile Teams Have Nothing To Do With Business Agility (English Edition) Kindle版
All of the agile cards have been pulled, and nonetheless new products still do not get faster to the market. If this situation seems familiar, you should read this story about a company that prepared their agile transition in exemplary fashion: 600 employees reorganized into cross-functional teams, their work visualized and practically perfect Standups and Retrospectives held. The result: Time-to-Market for the products became worse – and not a trace of business agility.This book shows you what goes wrong with many agile transitions and why the desired improvements fail to materialize. You also learn how to get out of a dead end and what can be done before starting a transformation in order to prevent heading down a dead end to begin with.A little preview: Do not start by making teams agile – this will save your nerves and lots of money!
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- 出版社 : LEANability PRESS (2019/9/6)
- 発売日 : 2019/9/6
- 言語 : 英語
- ファイルサイズ : 4.7 MB
- Text-to-Speech(テキスト読み上げ機能) : 有効
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- Word Wise : 有効
- 本の長さ : 176ページ
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 754,582位洋書 (洋書の売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- - 1,437位Project Management (洋書)
- - 4,624位Management & Leadership
- - 6,748位Business & Investing Business Management
- カスタマーレビュー:

上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
Olivier Dugas2022年6月3日にカナダでレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Mind-bending, game-changing book. Wow.
Amazonで購入I freakin' loved this book. It was an eye opener. "We're so freakin' Agile" in a company that is totally not. great examples, great vulgarisation... It's a must read for anyone in a position of management. Scratch that: It's a must read for anyone.
Pablo Quevedo2021年8月22日にメキシコでレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Excelente
Amazonで購入Si sientes que la agilidad en tu empresa es más fácil de decir que hacer, este libro es para ti
5つ星のうち5.0 Unputdownable book.
Amazonで購入I read this book in one go! Exactly as the title suggests, it explains why making your teams Agile does not translate to making your business Agile, and in fact, it may become quite the opposite.
I enjoyed the author's easy-to-read writing style, which steered clear of technical aspects like how to implement a framework like SAFe or LESS. Rather, it was full of actionable advice about what you need to do.
If I had to summarise the key takeaways from the book, there are four things you can do for a business to become Agile:
1. Focus on VALUE DELIVERED to the customer.
2. Step back and take a HOLISTIC VIEW of what is happening.
3. Limit the number of activities or tasks by CONTROLLING THE WIP (Work in Progress) LIMITS.
4. DEAL WITH DEPENDENCIES (between teams) proactively by making them visible.
All in all, an unputdownable book that I would definitely recommend!