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Love, Light, & Healing with Faith: A Complete Guide for Energy Balancing Using Natural Wellness Products (Love, Light, and Healing with Faith Book 5) (English Edition) Edición Kindle

5.0 5.0 de 5 estrellas 1 calificación

This eBook contains 3 sections (from the author's "with Faith" books such as Using Gifts of the Earth, Living a Natural Wellness Lifestyle, and Energy Balancing):

The first part (Gifts of the Earth) is more than a guide for emotions and essential oils. It is a faith-based reference guide for wellness products including 99 single essential oils and 69 essential oil blends (specifically oils and blends from dōTERRA) and wellness supplements to assist in the energy balancing process. It’s comprehensive, too. This book contains entries for every essential oil or essential oil blend that dōTERRA has ever offered in the US, Australia, or Canada. It also contains every supplement that dōTERRA currently offers in these markets. Each entry contains both negative and positive emotional and energetic information for each product along with affirmations, uses, and suggested substitutions. This book is intended to help people discover emotional root issues, blocks, and beliefs, through understanding the wellness product their body needs, and to support them in releasing and replacing negative emotions and beliefs with positive and supportive ones. This guide is designed specifically to be used with the energy balancing with faith methodology.

The second part (Natural Wellness Lifestyle)is a guide to applying your faith in order to heal emotionally, balance your internal energy, overcome trauma, and spiritually live at a higher level of health, happiness, and joy. This book will teach you Jade Balden’s ten-step method for energy balancing based in faith in God and personal growth and development. The Energy Balancing with Faith steps include the following: invite the participant to connect to God, use muscle testing to tap into the subconscious mind and probe for issues and root causes, develop love and purpose in life, become humble and submissive to a higher influence in life, identify underlying emotional and energetic needs and concerns, read the body to discover and assess areas of imbalance, release emotional baggage, discover and resolve childhood trauma and issues, correcting beliefs in falsehoods with correct understanding and truth, using essential oils and other tools to discover and absolve energetic dissonance, and develop and cultivate gratitude for God, life, and everything that has happened to you.

The third part (Energy Balancing) is a guide to living at your best level of health by replacing your toxic consumer products with natural wellness products such as essential oils, supplements, green cleaning products, or personal care products. A natural wellness lifestyle means adapting your lifestyle, the way you address your health issues, or the way you take care of your body or clean your home to be in harmony with nature. This wellness guide features dōTERRA brand products to live a natural wellness lifestyle. The first part is a guide to natural wellness living. This wellness guide includes over 18 wellness lifestyle lessons. The second part is a guide to reading the literal language of the body and understanding both fear and faith-based emotions. The Literal Language of the Body Guide includes more than 71 body parts, systems, or processes. And the Fear and Faith Emotions Guide contains over 160 emotions.

These books will help you...

  • Become empowered, free, and deeply happy and confident in life
  • Overcome feelings of helpless, conflicted, and frustration
  • Learn how to overcome blocks and limitations
  • Address common health and emotion concerns
  • Master energy balancing
  • Unlock your potential
  • And balance your life
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Precio del lote: Precio Kindle
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Vendido por: Amazon Mexico Services, Inc.

Esta opción incluye 3 libros.

Esta opción incluye 4 libros.

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Precio del lote: Precio Kindle
Precio del lote: Precio Kindle
La Tienda Kindle en es operada por Amazon Mexico Services, Inc., una empresa de los EE.UU., y está sujeta a estas Condiciones de Uso de la Tienda Kindle.
Vendido por: Amazon Mexico Services, Inc.

Detalles del producto

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09Y7WGFH7
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • Tamaño del archivo ‏ : ‎ 78.7 MB
  • Uso simultáneo de dispositivos ‏ : ‎ Sin límite
  • Texto a voz ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • Tipografía mejorada ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ No activado
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • Número de páginas ‏ : ‎ 2167 páginas
  • Opiniones de los clientes:
    5.0 5.0 de 5 estrellas 1 calificación

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Jade Balden
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