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Kingdom of Dust: A sad story about happiness Paperback – 26 juli 2022
Aankoopopties en uitbreidingen
The author has spent his life studying the Japanese martial art of Aikido. When looking for teachers, he asks questions about the meaning of sacrifice, the physical and mental limits that can be exceeded.
This is a book about passion and the cost of following your dreams. With beautiful illustrations by Kim Soung (USA) - former Disney illustrator and an intriguing cover by Kuba Krawczyk (Poland), the book brings a new quality to the message of universal importance of the relationship between teacher and student. While it describes the martial arts world, this book does ask fundamental questions for which there are no simple answers, and the value is just asking these questions.
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the release of the printed edition of the Kingdom of Dust, by Piotr Masztalerz Sensei.
This book is our manifesto. It explains where our approach to training comes from and why we are looking for students, not clients. We sell it to pay the rent, to provide free training for people in need and to grow as a community. By purchasing it, you become part of its history and help survive our dojo - the Kingdom of Dust.
"The Kingdom of Dust was published in Polish in 2018. It is a book about being an uchideshi- a full time student – about building a dojo, and about the nature of teacher-student relationships. Aikido Journal highly recommends this book and hopes you’ll enjoy this short excerpt from the work."
Aikido Journal
"Aside from Masztalerz’s fine writing and beautiful character sketches, anyone within the martial arts community who has committed to a teacher, all of whom who have feet of clay, will find this book of merit, because Chiba Kazuo and Piotr Masztalerz’s relationship is an extreme of something many, if not most, of us have gone through. And it is through the harsh light of the extreme that we can illuminate the subtler shadows of our own path."
Ellis Amdur, A Critical Engagement With Piotr Masztalerz’s THE KINGDOM OF DUST
- Printlengte468 pagina's
- TaalEngels
- Publicatiedatum26 juli 2022
- Afmetingen14 x 2.97 x 20.5 cm
- ISBN-108367442008
- ISBN-13978-8367442008
- Uitgever : Wrocław Aikikai (26 juli 2022)
- Taal : Engels
- Paperback : 468 pagina's
- ISBN-10 : 8367442008
- ISBN-13 : 978-8367442008
- Afmetingen : 14 x 2.97 x 20.5 cm
- Klantenrecensies:
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Stephen D. ThomsBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 24 augustus 2022
5,0 van 5 sterren A Serious Student's Story
First a disclosure. I know Piotr and most of the individuals mentioned in his book. I am also an aikido teacher in the same organization as Piotr. This book is a wonderfully written account of his development as a martial artist and human being. His style of writing is easy to read and conveys so well the array of emotions which he experienced. The book is laid out in small parts, each telling a story. The sum of these parts is his story. Such a heartfelt book. If you are a searcher of any leaning, this is a book you must read.
alvaroBeoordeeld in Mexico op 11 augustus 2022
5,0 van 5 sterren Excelente libro para practicantes de Aikido de cualquier nivel
Es muy interesante el libro
grosvenorgirlBeoordeeld in het Verenigd Koninkrijk op 7 januari 2023
5,0 van 5 sterren A book about the search for excellence
Although the story is of the authors training in the martial art of Aikido the book really details the dedication needed to get to the top in your chosen sport. It is hard work and requires single mindedness, self sacrifice and a lot of blood sweat & tears. In martial arts the relationship with the teacher is at the heart of learning & growth & is detailed really well in the authors story of his development. I enjoyed the insights given into early life in Poland and reading this difficult journey but hopefully ultimately rewarding for the author
TaylorBeoordeeld in Australië op 12 januari 2023
5,0 van 5 sterren Beautifully written
Wonderful story and lovely insight into a personal relationship with aikido and teaching.
Mark TankosichBeoordeeld in Japan op 22 november 2022
5,0 van 5 sterren Buy and read this!
While this book is ostensibly about the martial art of aikido, it is actually about so much more. The author tells of his life in the aikido world and, more centrally, with his highly-respected (if somewhat difficult) teacher. All of this is fodder for an examination of what life is about. The author's honesty and eloquence in telling the story make for compelling reading. If you are a martial artist of any stripe, this book is a must read. Even if you are not a martial artist, it is still a great book.