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The Backworlds: A Space Opera Adventure Series (English Edition) Kindle-editie
After the war with the Foreworlders, Backworlders scatter across the remaining planets. Competition is fierce, and pickings are scant. Scant enough that Craze’s father decides to improve his fortunes by destroying his son. He tells his only boy their moon isn’t big enough for them both and gives Craze a ticket for the next transport leaving the space dock.
Cut off from everyone he knows with little money and no knowledge of the worlds beyond, Craze must find a way to forge a new life and make his father regret this day. First, he must survive.
- TaalEngels
- Publicatiedatum13 december 2013
- Bestandsgrootte3.6 MB
Veiligheids- en productbronnen
Probleem bij het laden van de informatie
- Taal : Engels
- Bestandsgrootte : 3.6 MB
- Gelijktijdig gebruik van apparaten : Onbeperkt
- Tekst-naar-spraak : Ingeschakeld
- Schermlezer : Ondersteund
- Verbeterd lettertype : Ingeschakeld
- X-Ray : Niet ingeschakeld
- Word Wise : Ingeschakeld
- Printlengte : 134 pagina's
- Plaats in bestsellerlijst: #4.963 Gratis op Kindle Store (Top 100 in Kindle Store bekijken)
- Klantenrecensies:
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dsandersBeoordeeld in Canada op 22 juli 2018
5,0 van 5 sterren Sci fi adventure
I really enjoy this story and Crazes adventures with his new found friends. Craze is an intriguing character and I’m interested in getting to know him better. Well worth the read
Kindle CustomerBeoordeeld in het Verenigd Koninkrijk op 26 oktober 2016
5,0 van 5 sterren sweet little sci fi, a light hearted space romp
quality read, light vivid and pax'd with pace, oddles of intrigue and buckets of gritty loveable characters...
entertaining from the get go, hooks you in and takes you on a roller coaster of emotions as you bound along, without the usual trapping of heavy space physics bable and long winded explanations of tech and gadgetry nonsense regarding space ships.. 5 out of 5... beautifully simple and enjoying to dive into..
read on....
Sacha VBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 3 februari 2016
5,0 van 5 sterren Worth the wait
Craze is a Verkinn from the planet Sienga. His people appreciate hard work and deal making. Which he's done. But with the approval of the council his father Bast is taking on a second wife. The second wife happens to be Yerniss, Craze's girlfriend. In order to make things simpler, Bast and the council label Craze a Leecher, which is like calling him a welfare queen and among the Verkinn, it's one of the worst things you can be branded.
Being handed a few chips and a backpack with a few more items, Craze is chased down to the docks by members of the council where he's put on a ship to Elstwhere. On the ship he meets and befriends two Aviarmen named Talos and Lepsi who are on their way to buy a ship and make their way out on the Edge.
On Elstwhere Craze also meets a shape shifter who essentially makes him the fall guy for a shifty deal with some Foreworlder's. The deal goes south and Craze gets picked up by the law, but his new friends Talos and Lepsi convince the lawman that Craze is just a naive fool. Together with the lawman they begin tracking down the Foreworlders.
I loved this book. I'd been meaning to read it for a long time and when I finally started, I couldn't put it down. The writing is tight, the characters are tight, and the worlds are clever and the imagery fantastic. The pacing is good so it makes for a quick read.
The interaction between Craze and the Aviarmen is great and the way they bond is believable. Essentially they are all starting out new and need friends in order to survive out on the Edge. The one gripe that I have is with the lawman, Dactill. The way that he finds himself as part of the main group of characters seems a bit convenient (not that he's with them, but why he stays) but this is the first book in a series so I'm sure we'll get a bit more about him.
José Antônio Rodrigues Neves JrBeoordeeld in Brazilië op 23 januari 2015
3,0 van 5 sterren Curioso.
O livro é curioso, mostrando uma situação de habitantes de mundos atrasados tentando se virar. Dificilmente se tornará um clássico do gênero.
JonBeoordeeld in Australië op 2 mei 2015
5,0 van 5 sterren I thoroughly enjoyed this book
As a long time sci-fi reader and fan it's rare to come across a truly unique and imaginative world setting, the backworlds have this in spades.
With some well fleshed out characters, and some truly hideous species, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
I'd highly recommend! (try it, it's free.)