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Call To Purpose: Our journey from celestial beings to human beings and back again (English Edition) Kindle-editie
CALL TO PURPOSE — Our Journey from Ethereal Beings to Human Beings and Back Again.
When humans became human beings, they never suspected evil existed. Then its web of lies closed, and their murder began.
∞ If you’ve ever felt called to protect diversity on Earth and help all life succeed, this novel will inspire your warrior’s heart. ∞
Yawri is an adventurous being who travels the universe discovering new realities. He comes to Earth, exalts in its glorious creation, and joins other guardians dedicated to helping Earth expand in its life.
However, while guardians are immersed in bringing life to life, evil forces skillfully mix lies with truth to turn guardian against guardian, and guardians against Earth.
Call To Purpose takes readers into the adventure of Yawri and other guardians who have no knowledge of evil or even the possibility of deceit. Vivid storytelling conveys the challenges they face to stop something they can’t comprehend. Choosing courage over fear, they must learn how to stop murder without becoming murderers themselves. All the while evil forces proclaim, “You will join me in the end.”
With great courage, guardians learn how to stop the murder, but foresee how evil forces continue to build lie upon lie into the future. With a shock, they see a time when humans have not only forgotten their purpose but a time when enslaving Earth and humans alike is deemed righteous.
In a desperate gambit, guardians commit everything they have to send the original purpose of human beings forward in time.
Now, with the battle of ages at its peak, the fate of Earth and life upon it depends on human beings remembering abilities long forgotten, and how to use them to bring life back to life.
From the Author-
“The novel is based on a true story, but it’s your experience of the story, rather than mine, that I hope you believe in. As you read Call To Purpose, you’ll have your own thoughts and emotions in response. May your experience of Call To Purpose help you embrace the human-being you are and empower who you wish to become.”
- Ken W. Brown
- TaalEngels
- Publicatiedatum16 augustus 2019
- Bestandsgrootte2.4 MB
Veiligheids- en productbronnen
Probleem bij het laden van de informatie
- Uitgever : Transformation Key, LLC (16 augustus 2019)
- Taal : Engels
- Bestandsgrootte : 2.4 MB
- Tekst-naar-spraak : Ingeschakeld
- Schermlezer : Ondersteund
- Verbeterd lettertype : Ingeschakeld
- X-Ray : Niet ingeschakeld
- Word Wise : Ingeschakeld
- Printlengte : 540 pagina's
- Klantenrecensies:
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ErinBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 11 december 2019
5,0 van 5 sterren Insightful answers to “Why are we here?” & “How did we get here?”.
I have never read a book with such life energy in it. The pages of words created the story with such detail I felt like I was amongst the characters, sharing in the adventure. Truly an amazing experience.
Practically speaking, it was an exciting read with suspense and an unpredictable ending. I appreciated the content in the Epilogue & The Back Story because it really bridged the connection from ancient time to current.
I also feel it was important to express that guardians can be hotel housekeepers... you don't have to be Gandhi to have a powerful impact. The example of the master healer learning by being in addiction was a powerful message as well.
How am I different now that I have read this book:
I have a deeper understanding of my connection with all of time (past, present & future).
I have a deeper understanding that good help has/is consistently available to nurture life/creation. In such dark events with little logical probability for improvement, there are healing forces that are outside my consciousness that are working diligently to nourish life. These "healing forces" with altruistic acts of care and support (creatures, beings, energies, past, future...) give me strength and synergize my own random acts of kindness in this lifetime because I sense the impact even deeper now.
I have a deeper understanding to my choices and the relationship to those choices.
I have a deeper understanding to the subtle dark energy's strategies to diminish life, our relationship to being unaware/naïve at times, and the accountability to acting upon it.
I have a deeper understanding of Warrior Energy and how it can quickly be broken with righteousness, judgement, hate, or shame/blame.
I feel more connection to All. I am inspired to give/create more from All. I am inspired to feel my impact and the impact from others more authentically (good and bad).
I have a foundation of being a "student" eager in my learning but this story brings a deeper sense and understanding of forgiveness and letting go of past, present, and future mistakes, along with the hurt/harm I unintentionally cause.
I have a deeper understanding of Earth as an etheric and physical being, the Universe, the Music of the Spheres and connection to All. Reminds me how at some point, a child gains an awareness that their parent is more than a mom/dad in current time only, but has a past, future, experiences and purpose beyond a mother/father.
I have a deeper understanding of what Free Will is in the moment and through all of time.
I have a deeper understanding of how to have a conscious death that is full in Life.
Some of my favorite quotes:
"Ears already filled with answers can't hear, let alone listen".
"No one can learn what they don't know if they think they should know it".
"How can you bring healing to what you don't know?"
"See what you're looking at instead of what think you are looking at".
"Don't make any task more important than the Life it is meant to expand".
"Denial is a request to Creation for a more dramatic lesson".
"How you treat others is how you tell Creation to treat you".
"They love their own answers so much they hate anyone who questions them".
"The only power my words have come from the power you give them".
"When you are right, there is no need to change".
"Knowing you is how I will learn how to transform it".
"All are significant. Every choice matters".
"I choose to disagree with you and stay connected at the same time. That way, I know your whisper among those of my own".
"If we come together and I do you harm, I hope I will feel the truth of what I have done, and choose to change.
Even if we lose ourselves, we'll still have free will. We'll help each other remember".
"I am with you. Remember all of what you are. We are One. If it is time to die, we will die in Life, not in fear".
"Never, never give up. Always, always let go".
Kathilyn SolomonBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 3 januari 2020
5,0 van 5 sterren Mind-Boggling Visionary Fiction W/a Message Profoundly Relevant for Today
Outstanding visionary fiction
Call to Purpose is a powerfully uplifting, mind-boggling (or mind-blowing!) account of the evolution of creation –with a disturbing twist. The story weaves a compelling account of how lies mix with truth in an attempt to control human beings – with a troubling relevance to today’s polarized world. The subtlety with which author Ken Brown portrays how untruths mess with us and confuse us, and how lies build on one another to cause disharmony and destroy and control is masterful.
The issues Call to Purpose’s author highlights have ramifications right through to our present-day, as many fight for the healthy future of the human race and our beautiful planet. I love how the characters used counter polarization in the past to build to a surprisingly relevant and empowering conclusion.
I’m a professional editor by trade, and was drawn to Call to Purpose initially by its story-line and high ratings, and discovered I agree with them. What also struck me about Purpose was that while reading the text, aside from the words, I experienced the sense of opening, learning and growing, and cocreating with creation, that is beyond word articulation. I absorbed it. That’s unusual.
Brown has traveled and lived in many countries the world over, and his writing is coherent, his voice wise and authentic, the characters engaging, the plot suspenseful and coherent, and I love the message of this book! Never ever give up! There is always hope.
Carl G. MitschBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 5 maart 2020
5,0 van 5 sterren It's difficult to put into words how valuable this book has been to me.
The "story" in Call to Purpose is one man's lived experience. It can't be proven. Nonetheless, it has provided a narrative framework that I have been searching for since I was old enough to wonder where we came from.
I cried a lot while I reading Ken's story. The parts that hit me the hardest dealt with the relationship between this living planet and the life that lives on it. The moment this dynamic was revealed, the truth of it snapped into place for me like something I had never consciously thought of, but known all along.
The arc of the story that unfolds in Call to Purpose makes sense out of humanity's past in a way that I had been thirsting for my entire life -- in a way that none of my religious practice had satisfied.
We're in a cultural moment where paid endorsements and the overuse of hyperbole threaten erode the meaning and credibility of language.
--And maybe it's hard to describe something that has had a profound impact on my spiritual life in the same marketplace where people talk about the effectiveness of a dishwasher detergent. But this is how it happens: Ken Brown shared his vision with us through his book, and Amazon reviews is how I am able to share that vision's effect on my life with you.
Nonetheless, if i could shake you by the shoulders and stick this book in your hands, I would.
SwissSojurnerBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 17 december 2019
5,0 van 5 sterren Call to Purpose is a story you won't soon forget.
We've all read books in which a couple weeks after turning the final page and placing the book back on the shelf, we've mostly forgotten the story. Ken Brown's book Call to Purpose is not one of those books. Call to Purpose's plot is part action-adventure and time traveler thriller, which makes it fun to read. I also was taken by the realism of the dialogue and the descriptive references to science, geology, astronomy that are featured throughout the book. But what truly distinguishes it from most books of the genre is its spirit. On it's surface, it's a story of 'good vs. evil' but it inspires the reader to consider his or her own actions and attitudes and how those have the power to influence the actions and attitudes of others. I've replaced the book on my shelf, but its impression will stay with me for a long, long time.
CBPBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 12 januari 2020
4,0 van 5 sterren Very engaging read...
I am hesitant to say I'm a true believer but this book was simply fascinating. Definitely recommend.