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Undiscovered Country: A Spiritual Adventure (English Edition) Kindle-editie
Kathryn Hulme’s life was radically changed and enriched by the influence of Gurdjieff. Undiscovered Country is a tribute to him and his teachings, a vivid personal memoir of her experience as his student, and of the burning spiritual intensity that dominated her life as a result of his influence.
“Undiscovered Country is in the tradition of Kathryn Hulme’s best work; painstaking, poetic, and always sincere. In recording her soul’s search for ‘something more,’ she contributes an arresting document for those who believe this to be their function on earth.”
“This is a ‘must’ for all interested in Gurdjieff and his school, and strongly recommended for all who are concerned in the Pilgrimage of the Soul. It gives the best intimate picture I know of what it meant to be a ‘follower of Gurdjieff’s ideas.’ ”
— J. G. Bennett
“A picture of the relation between a teacher and his pupil . . . the way he opens her to a wider world through a relation which touches the whole of one’s being.”
— Jeanne de Salzmann
- TaalEngels
- Publicatiedatum5 april 2020
- Bestandsgrootte1.0 MB
Veiligheids- en productbronnen
Probleem bij het laden van de informatie
- ASIN : B086T3Q7SP
- Uitgever : Book Studio (5 april 2020)
- Taal : Engels
- Bestandsgrootte : 1.0 MB
- Tekst-naar-spraak : Ingeschakeld
- Schermlezer : Ondersteund
- Verbeterd lettertype : Ingeschakeld
- X-Ray : Niet ingeschakeld
- Word Wise : Ingeschakeld
- Printlengte : 217 pagina's
- Klantenrecensies:
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- 5 sterren4 sterren3 sterren2 sterren1 ster2 sterren91%9%0%0%0%0%
- 5 sterren4 sterren3 sterren2 sterren1 ster1 ster91%9%0%0%0%0%
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Margaret A WeaverBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 25 augustus 2022
5,0 van 5 sterren A Spiritual Journey
Kathryn Holmes just wanted to show us a glimpse of the master who taught her the ‘Work.’ What she unveils about Gurdjieff is astounding. The many places they visit in Europe and the many restaurants where they dine together create a place of excitement for his teachings. She really was a crocodile and led an incredible life that helped many people. I will always remember this book. MW
annette flanneryBeoordeeld in het Verenigd Koninkrijk op 23 februari 2025
5,0 van 5 sterren Excellent Book
A very engaging memoir that encompasses history and spirituality. Great account of the aftermath of the Second World War in Europe.
Amazon CustomerBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 27 maart 2022
5,0 van 5 sterren Nice book
It is nice book to ready and to understand the sincere attitude for inner world growth.
msmarthaBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 29 augustus 2015
5,0 van 5 sterren Five Stars
Timely arrival, very interesting book
CandaceBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 19 juli 2011
5,0 van 5 sterren 'Undiscovered country' is an amazing book. Kathryn Hulme writes with great ease and ...
'Undiscovered country' is an amazing book. Kathryn Hulme writes with great ease and elegance. Admittedly I have more than a passing interest in Gurdjieff, but the narrative of Hulme's experiences, including those unrelated to her work with him, is fascinating. Her descriptions of working in a shipyard during World War II and in relief work after the war are a great contribution to these periods.