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Living a Natural Wellness Lifestyle with Faith: How to Use Essential Oils and Other Wellness Products to Live Healthy (Love, Light, and Healing with Faith Book 2) (English Edition) Kindle-editie
This wellness guide features dōTERRA brand products to live a natural wellness lifestyle. The first part is a guide to natural wellness living. This wellness guide includes over 18 wellness lifestyle lessons.
The second part is a guide to reading the literal language of the body and understanding both fear and faith-based emotions. The Literal Language of the Body Guide includes more than 71 body parts, systems, or processes. And the Fear and Faith Emotions Guide contains over 160 emotions.
This guide takes a faith-based approach to achieving wholeness both physically and emotionally. The main concept is to live in harmony with the nature of the body, to understand the body’s messages, and to find healing by returning to a balanced state and connecting to God.
Combined with my books Using Gifts of the Earth with Faith and Energy Balancing with Faith, these three volumes are a complete collection for living a natural wellness lifestyle and achieving optimal wellness and love, light, and healing.
- Leeftijd lezen12 - 18 jaar
- TaalEngels
- Publicatiedatum11 april 2022
Veiligheids- en productbronnen
Probleem bij het laden van de informatie
- ASIN : B09XS956J3
- Taal : Engels
- Bestandsgrootte : 56.8 MB
- Tekst-naar-spraak : Ingeschakeld
- Schermlezer : Ondersteund
- Verbeterd lettertype : Ingeschakeld
- X-Ray : Niet ingeschakeld
- Word Wise : Ingeschakeld
- Printlengte : 712 pagina's
- Klantenrecensies:
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