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Kinoko: A window into the mystical world of Japanese mushrooms (English Edition) [Print Replica] Kindle-editie
Inside, you'll find colorful and interesting etymologies of Japanese mushroom names, translated essays and stories from Japanese authors, new translations of a hundred Japanese haiku about mushrooms, cultural insights about mushrooms in Japan, and a glossary and phrasebook of Japanese terms related to mushrooms and mycology. Whether you're a mushroom enthusiast, a lover of poetry and language, or simply interested in the outdoors, you'll find something to enjoy in this beautifully written and carefully researched book.
- TaalEngels
- Publicatiedatum3 januari 2023
- Bestandsgrootte31.9 MB
Veiligheids- en productbronnen
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- Taal : Engels
- Bestandsgrootte : 31.9 MB
- Gelijktijdig gebruik van apparaten : Onbeperkt
- Tekst-naar-spraak : Niet ingeschakeld
- Verbeterd lettertype : Niet ingeschakeld
- X-Ray : Niet ingeschakeld
- Word Wise : Niet ingeschakeld
- Indeling : Print Replica
- Klantenrecensies:
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MonikaBeoordeeld in Canada op 10 november 2024
5,0 van 5 sterren Beautiful book!
What a treasure - thank you!
Michael Nolen LongBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 25 maart 2023
5,0 van 5 sterren A great read and very informative
I bought this book out of a love of mushrooms and because I'm learning Japanese. I don't regret it at all!
The author has a great voice and an obvious love of the material. I range from some dry information about different mushrooms, to anecdotal stories from mushroom hunters to poetry. I would highly recommend this book to anyone with even a passing interest in mycology, mushroom hunting, or even just a reason to walk around in the wood.
FODI AttilaBeoordeeld in het Verenigd Koninkrijk op 24 januari 2023
5,0 van 5 sterren One of its kind, I do recommend it to everyone who loves mushrooms and/or Japanese culture.
Writing a review is not an easy task, especially if the author is dealing with an area which only partially connected to your own field of study, and you write your review in a foreign language.
I am a (filed) mycologist, but I don't speak or read Japanese. I speak and read a few other languages though, incl. Chinese, and I literally just started to learn Classical Japanese to be able to read Haikus in their original form.
Well detailed mycological descriptions of 20 species, and a short, but comprehensive list about some other well-known and/or preferred species. The used scientific names correlate with the latest DNA-based taxonomy, which is a rare phenomenon.
List of 300+ species with their scientific name and common Japanese name [和名, wamei].
Essays on 60 pages about a few selected mushroom species, their role and appreciation in Japan.
My personal favourite is probably the mushroom-themed haiku anthology [in Japanese and in English translation, translated by the author] in the book.
There is a well edited, rather comprehensive Dictionary of Mycological Terms at the very back of a book, which is an amazing work.
If I have to say something that I am not fully satisfied, it is the quality of the paper the book was printed on. It is a really sensitive paper which will - I am afraid - get dirty really easily. It has nothing to do with the author (who seems to have an outstanding knowledge about Japanese fungi and their role in Japanese society), but might be a useful information to the publisher before a reprint.
pinkpawpadBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 24 maart 2023
5,0 van 5 sterren Mushrooms are Beautiful
This delightful book combines the fascinating science of mycology with the stirring haiku of classical Japanese poets. Rich with gorgeous color photos, Kinoko takes the reader on a peaceful walk through the cool, verdant forests of Japan. I highly recommend this splendid book to lovers of nature, biology, Japanese folklore, poetry, wisdom and, of course, mushrooms.
JBeoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 6 augustus 2023
5,0 van 5 sterren A Work Like No Other
As a long time mycophile and the owner of a fair number of books focused on fungi, I have to say this book is something truly special and unique. Clearly Nat did his research and left no stone unturned when he was putting this together. The combination of clear and accurate descriptions of the “core” fungi intertwined into Japanese culture and the rich storytelling are incomparable to anything else I’ve read. When I finally put this book down I was left wishing more authors who wrote guides on fungi would treat their subject in this manner. I especially loved the section on the Wamei (common names). The inclusion of the stories and haiku gave this so much depth. They really show the emotional connection so many of us, even outside of Japan, have with these wondrous beings. Well done!