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A Mother's Tale: A Tree That Grew with Love - Le récit d'une mère : L’arbre qui grandit par amour: Bilingual children story book English - French / ... pour enfant bilingue Anglais - Francais Paperback – 26 november 2023
Aankoopopties en uitbreidingen
"A Mother's Tale: A Tree That Grew with Love" is a must-read for kids and parents alike, an invitation to discover the magic within the simplest of seeds and the love that nurtures it into something beautiful all whilst learning and enjoying the beauty of two languages. Test your understanding with comprehension questions and engage in fun games that will captivate young minds and hearts.
« Le récit d'une mère : L’arbre qui grandit par amour » est une lecture incontournable tant pour les enfants que pour les parents, une invitation à découvrir la magie présente dans la simplicité d'une graine et l'amour qui la nourrit pour la transformer en quelque chose de magnifique, tout en apprenant et en appréciant la beauté de deux langues. Testez votre compréhension avec des questions et participez à des jeux amusants qui captiveront les jeunes esprits et les cœurs.
2LS - 2 Lingual Stories is a unique venture that fosters a love for languages, heritage, and culture worldwide. Through captivating stories and thoughtfully crafted merchandise, we celebrate linguistic diversity, culture, and heritage by presenting content in two languages. Our mission is to engage and inspire individuals of all ages to embrace the beauty of different languages and cultures, promoting a sense of connection and understanding across borders. From enchanting tales that transcend linguistic barriers to carefully designed merchandise that reflects the richness of global heritage, 2LS Bi-Lingual Stories is more than a business; it's a platform that encourages the exploration and appreciation of the world's linguistic tapestry. Join us in our journey to make language learning a joyous and culturally enriching experience for everyone. Discover more of our work on www.2lingualstories.com and stay updated by following us on social media channels @2lingualstories.com
- ISBN-13979-8869938046
- Publicatiedatum26 november 2023
- TaalEngels
- Afmetingen21.59 x 0.2 x 21.59 cm
- Printlengte32 pagina's
- Uitgever : Independently published (26 november 2023)
- Taal : Engels
- Paperback : 32 pagina's
- ISBN-13 : 979-8869938046
- Leeftijd lezen : 2 - 18 jaar
- Afmetingen : 21.59 x 0.2 x 21.59 cm
- Klantenrecensies:
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ellie-01Beoordeeld in het Verenigd Koninkrijk op 2 juli 2024
5,0 van 5 sterren Lovely bi lingual bedtime story
I read this regularly to my baby as part of our bedtime routine , the story is sweet and being bilingual helps her language development