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Make Your Event Accessible for Everyone: Greater hospitality for people with disabilities also Miękka oprawa – 23 lipca 2023
Opcje zakupu i dodatki
This book will give you examples, helpful tips and tricks, and simple and practical ways to make your event or venue more accessible. You will be astonished at how much you can accomplish with little-to-no budget. Accessibility starts with hospitality.
It is often quite a challenge to visit an event, even though it is not difficult to organise one in which everyone is made to feel welcome. You just need to know where to begin. In this book, Marianne Dijkshoorn demonstrates how to make your event better accessible for people with a disability through simple examples. This is a handy guide for everyone who organizes all kinds ofevents; it will get you started and gain you more and better-satisfied visitors.
You rarely go to an event alone, because you want to share the experience both during and after the event. Even people with disabilities rarely visit alone; they usually take at least one other person along. More visitors generate—as is well known—more money through entrance fees and catering. Groups are quick to choose another venue if one of them cannot participate. At an accessible venue, people with disabilities feel welcome and this not only generates more visitors but also increases appreciation and generates positive word-of-mouth advertising.
Marianne Dijkshoorn is an expert in the field of accessibility of events, outdoor space and buildings. She is also an expert by experience: she has difficulty walking. With her consultancy firm, Welcome Accessibility & Events, she provides accessibility advice on an equal experience; she certifies venues in the field of accessibility and gives lectures and training on accessibility and inclusion.
In 2008 Marianne unconsciously made the first festival in the Netherlands accessible by asking the organisation about facilities for accessibility. She gained her expertise on accessibility and hospitality at events partly through her three studies in leisure science and event organisation.
She is now working on accessibility for people with various types of disabilities at events, buildings and public spaces including festivals, conferences, venues, tourist attractions, shopping centres, museums, concert halls and theatres.
One of her biggest assignments was to make the national King's Day celebration in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) accessible in 2023. This was the first fully accessible outdoor event in The Netherlands, including viewing platforms for wheelchair users, audio description for people with a visual impairment, writing interpreters for people with a hearing impairment and a low-stimulus space for people with a mental disability.
Her mission is for every guest at an event to feel welcome.
- Długość wersji drukowanej108 str.
- JęzykAngielski
- Data publikacji23 lipca 2023
- Wymiary15.24 x 0.69 x 22.86 cm
- ISBN-13979-8850632410
Szczegóły produktu
- Wydawca : Independently published (23 lipca 2023)
- Język : Angielski
- Miękka oprawa : 108 str.
- ISBN-13 : 979-8850632410
- Wymiary : 15.24 x 0.69 x 22.86 cm
- Recenzje klientów:
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