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Bilingual Quotes: Bridging Worlds. Citations Bilingues : Unissant les Mondes.: English and French Wisdom - Sagesse en anglais et en français: Modern ... Book - Gift, Anniversary, Present, Birthday Pocketbok – 13 januari 2024
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English description
"Dive into a world of wisdom and inspiration with 'Bilingual Quotes: Bridging Worlds.' This captivating collection unites the elegance of English and the romance of French, offering a unique fusion of languages that transcends borders and cultures. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a seeker of wisdom, or simply in search of uplifting quotes, this book invites you to explore a tapestry of themes, from love and happiness to adventure and courage.
Description française
"Plongez dans un monde de sagesse et d'inspiration avec 'Citations bilingues : Unissant les Mondes'. Cette collection captivante unit l'élégance de l'anglais et le romantisme du français, offrant une fusion unique de langues qui transcende les frontières et les cultures. Que vous soyez un passionné de langues, un chercheur de sagesse ou simplement à la recherche de citations inspirantes, ce livre vous invite à explorer une variété de thèmes, de l'amour et du bonheur à l'aventure et au courage.
Further information
2LS - 2 Lingual Stories is a unique venture that fosters a love for languages, heritage, and culture worldwide. Through captivating stories and thoughtfully crafted merchandise, we celebrate linguistic diversity, culture, and heritage by presenting content in two languages. Our mission is to engage and inspire individuals of all ages to embrace the beauty of different languages and cultures, promoting a sense of connection and understanding across borders. From enchanting tales that transcend linguistic barriers to carefully designed merchandise that reflects the richness of global heritage, 2LS Bi-Lingual Stories is more than a business; it's a platform that encourages the exploration and appreciation of the world's linguistic tapestry. Join us in our journey to make language learning a joyous and culturally enriching experience for everyone. Discover more of our work on and stay updated by following us on social media channels
- ISBN-13979-8876019035
- Publiceringsdatum13 januari 2024
- SpråkEngelska
- Mått12.7 x 0.23 x 20.32 cm
- Längd (tryckt bok)37 sidor
- Utgivare : Independently published (13 januari 2024)
- Språk : Engelska
- Pocketbok : 37 sidor
- ISBN-13 : 979-8876019035
- Mått : 12.7 x 0.23 x 20.32 cm
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