Creating beautiful books has never been easier

Create professional books
Create professional books
Save time and focus on writing
Save time and focus on writing
View your book as readers do
View your book as readers do
One tool for any book type
One tool for any book type

Explore what Kindle Create can do

Print Replica


Mostly used for novels, essays, poetry, biography, and memoirs

Comics and Kids'

Mostly used for comics, graphic novels, and children’s books

Print Replica

A fixed layout mostly used for textbooks, cookbooks, magazines, and other image-heavy books
Reflowable format allows you to create files for Kindle, print, and EPUB. Readers can adjust the size of eBook fonts, margins, and various properties on Kindle.
Comics and Kids' format allows readers to zoom from panel to panel, which makes it easy to follow the narrative. You can create an enhanced digital experience from your print-ready file.
Print Replica format maintains the formatting and layout of the print edition with the option to add video and audio files to create an immersive experience.
Key Features:
Key Features:
Key Features:
One-click table of contents: Insert a table of contents and it will auto-identify chapters in your book
Guided view: Moves reader from panel to panel, creating cinematic reading experience
Video and audio: Play content directly from inside the eBook
Beautiful themes: Choose from professionally designed book styles for an optimal reading experience
Upload options: Create layouts from more than one PDF or sequential JPEGs and PNGs
Image pop-ups: View imagery alongside the written narrative
Print and digital formatting: Create once and generate print and digital ready files
Facing and single pages: Control whether your pages are shown side-by-side or individually in landscape view
Web links: Connect to external webpages for additional information
EPUB format: Export an EPUB version of your file
Compatible with:
Compatible with:
Compatible with:
• Kindle apps for iOS and Android
• Fire tablets
• Kindle eReaders
• Kindle for PC/Mac
• Kindle apps for iOS and Android
• Fire tablets
• Kindle eReaders
• Kindle apps for iOS and Android
• Fire tablets

Success is just around the corner

Kindle Create has helped thousands of authors publish their books. Yours could be next.
Laura Rocca No Strings Attached book cover
“Kindle Create works seamlessly with KDP. I recommend it to beginners because it doesn't require technical skills to create a professional quality book.”
Matt James the Undying Kingdom Matt James bookcover
“Kindle Create is, by far, the best platform to use when it comes to publishing your work. It’s simple and easy to use. It gently guides you through the process from start to finish.”
Lorena Franco El Escondite De Greta book cover
“Kindle Create is an essential work tool for self-published authors on KDP. It's a free program, intuitive and very easy to use.”

Frequently asked questions

The Basics

What is Kindle Create? What kinds of books can it help me create?
Kindle Create is a free desktop application that helps you turn a completed manuscript into a professional looking eBook. You can create four types of eBooks using Kindle Create:

• Reflowable: Typical for novels, essays, and memoirs. Reflowable eBooks allow the reader to resize text and adapt to the screen sizes where customers read them to provide the best reading experience. They are available on all Kindle devices and free Kindle reading applications. How to build a reflowable eBook with Kindle Create

• Interactive Print Replica: Typical for textbooks, travel books, and cookbooks. Print Replica eBooks maintain the look of their print editions and offer many of the advantages of standard Kindle eBooks. However, they don’t allow the reader to resize text and are only available on certain devices. How to build a Print Replica eBook with Kindle Create

• Comics with Guided View: Comic eBooks include Guided View, which animates panel-to-panel movement with each swipe to show how the story progresses across each page. How to build a comic eBook with Kindle Create

• Kids' eBooks with Guided View: Kids’ eBooks with Guided View use interactivity to mimic the way stories are read, one section at a time while reducing distractions. How to build a Kids' eBook with Kindle Create
Can Kindle Create help me design covers?
No, Kindle Create is an interior formatting tool and doesn’t provide features for designing covers. Learn about formatting tools and resources
Can I try out pre-release features? How?
Our current pre-release features are:
• Support for eBooks written in Gujarati, Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi, and Tamil (print books are not available in these languages).

Try pre-release features, open Kindle Create and doing the following:
• Windows: Go to Help > Settings > Early Access
• Mac: Kindle Create > Preferences > Early Access (Mac) and then check the Enable Beta Features box.

Kindle Create restarts to finish the process.
What are the system and language requirements for Kindle Create?
• Windows 10 or later for PC, MacOS 10.15 or later for Macs
• System running with 4+ GB RAM

Kindle Create is available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, and Japanese.

Reflowable Books

How does Kindle Create help me prepare a better reflowable eBook?
Kindle Create helps you turn an unformatted file into a beautiful, reflowable eBook with:
• Book themes: Choose from four high-quality themes and styles to customize your book’s look and feel.
• Worry-free typesetting: Kindle Create takes care of typesetting your book so it works best wherever it’s read--on tablets, phones, or e-Readers.
• Beautiful images: Make your book stand out with image features like bleed, chapter start and full-page images.
• Simple Table of Contents (TOC) creation: Kindle Create detects chapters of your book and creates a TOC page and a Kindle interactive TOC.
Is Kindle Create the right tool for me?
Kindle Create is designed for text-heavy books that have images. Here are a few limitations:
• It’s not possible to edit tables, lists, footnotes, certain paragraphs with complex formatting. We recommend completing your manuscript in Microsoft Word or other applications before importing to Kindle Create.
• Currently, Kindle Create doesn’t support image captions.
• Kindle Create is for preparing books that can be published on Kindle. You can use Kindle Create to convert your manuscript to an EPUB for viewing your eBook on non-Kindle devices.
Can Kindle Create help me prepare print books?
Yes, you can use Kindle Create to prepare an eBook and a paperback or hardcover book with the same manuscript file.

With this feature you can:
• Prepare your eBook and print book with the same manuscript
• Publish a print book of any supported trim size on KDP
• Skip difficult paperback formatting tasks like setting margins, adding headers, and inserting page numbers

This feature is suited for text-heavy books with simple layouts. There's limited support for images. Tables, footnotes, and endnotes aren’t supported for print books yet.
Can I insert a cover image in Kindle Create?
You have to upload a separate cover file and book file on KDP before publishing. We do not recommend inserting the cover images in your book file as that leads to duplicated content.
I’m not using Microsoft Word to write my book. Can I still use Kindle Create?
Yes, you can export your manuscript as a .docx file using applications like Google Docs, Apple Pages, or OpenOffice and import it to Kindle Create. You can also import .rtf and .txt files created from applications like WordPad and Notepad or copy and paste your content.
What is the recommended way to use Kindle Create for creating reflowable eBooks?
1. Complete your manuscript in your preferred writing application (e.g. Microsoft Word).
2. Import your .doc/.docx file and finish formatting, including adding styles, images, and a Table of Contents.
3. Preview your eBook by using the built-in preview feature to see how it will look on tablets, phones and Kindle e-Readers.
4. Export your Kindle Create eBook as a publishable KPF file.
5. Upload and publish the .kpf file on KDP to reach millions of Kindle readers.
Can I edit my book in Kindle Create?
Yes, but some content like tables, lists, footnotes, and paragraphs with complex formatting aren’t editable. Today, we recommend that you import your manuscript in Kindle Create only when you have finished writing it.
What if I change my original manuscript? Will I have to do the formatting all over again?
To include the changes, you can copy and paste the contents of your manuscript into Kindle Create at any time. When replacing older content, you’ll lose some of the formatting done in Microsoft Word.
Can I use Kindle Create for updating an eBook that’s already published?
You can use Kindle Create to update your book if you have your original .docx/.doc manuscript.
Can I write my complete book in Kindle Create?
Yes, but we don’t recommend it. It’s better to start with a dedicated writing application like Microsoft Word and then import your manuscript to Kindle Create for formatting.
Can I open my Mobi or ePub eBook with Kindle Create?
Currently, we only support the import of books in .docx/.doc for reflowable books. We will be adding support for other formats based on customer demand, so please let us know by going to Help > Provide Feedback in Kindle Create.
How can I proof my eBook before publishing?
You can proof your eBook by using the preview function in Kindle Create. It shows how your eBook would look on tablets, phones, and e-Readers running the latest Kindle software.
Why does Kindle Create not provide me a Mobi file?
All Kindle Create eBooks support the latest enhancements available to Kindle readers like Enhanced Typesetting, Page Flip, and Continuous Scrolling to provide the best reading experience. These enhancements aren’t available in the Mobi format.
My exported Kindle Create .kpf file is bigger than my Microsoft Word file. Will that affect my royalties?
No, the exported KPF file is a publishable file created for KDP and is not used to calculate the file size. You can check the file size for delivery costs as you publish your eBook on KDP.

Interactive Print Replica eBooks

What are Print Replica eBooks? What features does Kindle Create have for making them?
Print Replica eBooks are designed for educational content with large images, graphs, charts, and equations. With Kindle Create, you can enhance your eBook with audio, video, and image pop-ups, and preview how your eBook will appear on a range of Kindle devices and free Kindle reading apps.
What devices can customers use to read Interactive Print Replica eBooks?
Print Replica eBooks can be read on Fire tablets and free Kindle reading apps for iPad, iPhone, Android phones, Android tablets, PC, and Mac. Interactive features like audio, video, hyperlinks, and image pop-ups are currently available only on 3rd generation or newer Fire tablets and on free Kindle reading apps for Android phones and tablets. These interactive features are not available on free Kindle reading apps for iPad and iPhone.
What is the recommended way to use Kindle Create for Print Replica eBooks?
1. Create the PDF file you want to publish, with the hyperlinks marked in the PDF.
2. Prepare image (.jpg, .png), audio (.mp3), and video assets (MPEG-4, mp4).
3. Import the PDF into Kindle Create and prepare your eBook by preserving hyperlinks, adding image pop-ups, audio, video, and a table of contents.
4. Proof your eBook by using the built-in preview feature to see how they look on devices like tablets, phones, and Kindle e-Readers.
5. Upload and publish the .kpf file on KDP to reach millions of Kindle readers.
How can I preview my eBook before publishing?
You can use the built-in preview feature to see how they look on devices like tablets, phones, and Kindle e-Readers.
Can I update eBooks I published through Kindle Direct Publishing with a version created with Kindle Create?
If the first version of the Print Replica eBook you want to update was created with Kindle Create, you can update it on KDP. If it wasn’t originally created using Kindle Create, you’ll need to start a new book in your KDP Bookshelf and submit as a new title.
I’m not sure which format my audio or video is in. How do I find out?
Mac: Find your audio/video file in “Finder” and right-click on the file. Then select “Get Info” from the menu that appears. You’ll see a pop-up box. From there, you can see the format of the audio/video file under “General”. There are more details about the audio/video file under “More Info”.

Windows PC: Find your audio/video file in “Windows Explorer” and right-click on the file. Then select “Properties” from the menu that appears. You’ll see a pop-up box. From there, you can see the format of audio/video file under “Type of File”. There are more details about the audio/video file under “Detail” tab.
Will Print Replica eBooks I create with Kindle Create be compatible with immersive reading?
No, at this time, Kindle Create Print Replica eBooks are not compatible with immersive reading.
Is there a file size limit for Print Replica eBooks when using Kindle Create?
Yes, the limit is 650MB. If the file size is over the limit, consider reducing some of the interactive features. You can also go back to the original software applications you used to create your PDF and export another version at a lower resolution.
How will customers know that my book has interactive content?
If your eBook includes audio, video, or image pop-ups, your book will automatically be identified as a “Kindle Interactive Edition” on the book’s detail page.
Will the “Look Inside” preview work for the Print Replica eBooks I make with Kindle Create?
No, the “Look Inside” feature isn’t currently available for Print Replica eBooks created with Kindle Create. However, customers can still preview your eBook by sending a sample to their devices.
How do I preserve hyperlinks in my Print Replica eBook?
Hyperlinks can be preserved in Print Replica eBooks by selecting "Edit" in the toolbar, then clicking "Preserve links". Hyperlinks are underlined in orange to make it easy for readers to distinguish them from normal content.
How do I preview the Table of Contents (TOC) and other interactive elements in KDP’s online Previewer?
The online Previewer doesn’t support the preview of interactive elements or Tables of Contents in Print Replica eBooks. You can use the built-in preview in Kindle Create to preview interactive elements and the TOC.

Comics and Kids' with Guided View

What are Comics and Kids' with Guided View?
Guided View technology allows readers to view a comic panel by panel on mobile devices in a way that mimics the eye’s natural motion through the comic. For children’s books, it guides focus and reduces distractions, while adding interactivity kids will enjoy.
What is the recommended way to use Kindle Create for comics and Kids'?
Comics with Guided View provide the best reading experience. To create a comic or children’s eBook with Guided View:
• Prepare your PDF.
• Import your file and create panels with added mask colors. Use a solid mask for comics and a medium opacity mask for children’s books.
• Export your Kindle Create book as a publishable .kpf file.
• Upload and publish KPF file on KDP to reach millions of Kindle readers.
Should I use Kindle Comic Creator or Kindle Create to create a comic eBook?
Kindle Create is the only way to create a comic eBook with Guided View. It can help you:
• Automatically detect comic panels
• Create books using images
• Insert, delete, and reorder pages
• Crop and resize pages
• Specify spreads
Should I use Kindle Comic Creator or Kindle Create to create a children's eBook?
Kindle Create is the only way to create a children's eBook with Guided View. It can help you:
• Bring interactivity to your story elements
• Create books using images
• Insert, delete, and reorder pages
• Crop and resize pages
• Specify spreads
Can I add text to my Comics or Kids’ book with Kindle Create?
No, add all text to your source PDF, jpg, or png images before you import them to Kindle Create.
Can I create a Manga eBook with Kindle Create?
Yes, the Comics feature in Kindle Create supports KDP manga eBooks (volume based manga) with reading direction in left-to-right or right-to-left. It also supports horizontal or vertical virtual panel movement, an optional reading mode that divides the page into 4 parts. Kindle Create does not support episodic indie manga and Fliptoon.

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