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Preview Your eBook on a Mac

Kindle Previewer

The Kindle Previewer is an application that shows you how your book would display on a Kindle device. You can download the Kindle Previewer for Mac here.

Downloading a Book Preview File

To download a preview file of your book, first upload your original book file to your Bookshelf. Then, under the Downloadable Preview Options, click "Preview on your computer" or "Preview on your Kindle device" and follow the steps to download your book file. You can then transfer your book file to your Kindle with a USB cable, or you can preview your book file on your computer with our Kindle Previewer tool.

Transferring Your Book File to a Kindle

If you have a Kindle, you can use the USB cord included with your Kindle to connect your Kindle to your Macintosh.

To connect Kindle to your Macintosh:

1. Connect your Kindle's USB cable into an available USB port or a powered USB hub connected to your computer.
2. Your Kindle will appear like an external drive on your Desktop, and you can drag and drop the content to your device. We recommend deleting any old book content files before uploading new ones.
3. Use your computer's file browser to drag and drop files to and from Kindle.
4. When finished, use your computer's undock, eject, or unmount feature to remove your Kindle.

Kindle will only recognize transferred files if they're free of digital rights management (DRM) software and are added to the correct folder type. Supported file types are listed in the Kindle Previewer Help page.

Kindle Reading App

You can also download the free Kindle for Mac App. This program lets you download Kindle eBooks from the Amazon Kindle Store and read them on a Macintosh computer. It's available here.

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