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Kindle Comic Creator

Kindle Comic Creator is a downloadable tool that helps you turn comics, graphic novels and manga into Kindle eBooks. This tool is recommended if you want to create Kindle Comics, graphic novels and manga out of your existing artwork. Kindle Comic Creator makes it easy to import artwork, create your preferred customer reading experience, and see how your book will look on Kindle devices.

For detailed instructions on using the tool, see this guide.

Note: Kindle Comic Creator is intended for eBooks only. The tool exports your finished book to MOBI file, which isn't supported for paperback publishing. Visit Kindle Comic Creator product page for more information.

Download Kindle Comic Creator

Kindle Comic Creator v1.1 for Windows (Vista, 7)

Kindle Comic Creator v1.1 for Intel Mac (OSX 10.6 and above)

After you choose a language, the installer will guide you through the installation process. When you start creating a book, Kindle Comic Creator guides you through options like:

  • Primary language
  • Kindle panel settings
  • Book orientation
  • Page progression direction
  • Book details (title, author name, publisher name)
To preview your book before publishing, we recommend using Kindle Previewer .

Upload four file

After you prepare your comic book file with Kindle Comic Creator, download the MOBI file from the tool. Then go to your KDP Bookshelf and upload the file.

File size and royalties

Comic book files are usually larger than the average file for a novel or other plain text work. To see estimated delivery costs, finish setting up your book, including your cover, and rights and pricing information. When you enter your list price, you get an estimated royalty.

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