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Tax ID Validation

In order for Amazon to comply with U.S. tax reporting regulations, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) must validate all tax information provided in our online tax interview. This process is subject to IRS database outages that can delay the process. If the IRS recently issued you a TIN, it can take up to 60 days to process until the TIN is part of the IRS database.

When U.S. tax information does not exactly match IRS records, the KDP Account tax status will show that further information is necessary and needs updates in the Tax Interview within 30 days. We must receive updated information within this period or we will suspend your publishing rights.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) must validate your tax identity information before you can start publishing and selling your eBooks on the Kindle store or update existing eBooks.

Check the status of your U.S. tax information anytime under the “Tax Information” section of your KDP Account. Validated U.S. tax information will show a Tax Account Status of “Completed.”

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