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Taking the Tax Interview

Do I have to take the tax interview? Yes, taking the tax interview is how you provide us your tax information. We must receive and validate your tax identity information before you can update existing books or publish new books in the Kindle store. If the IRS recently issued you a TIN, it can take up to 60 days to process until the TIN is part of the IRS database. U.S. tax regulations require Amazon to collect information about your tax status under U.S. law using our short online tax interview. This is because Amazon issues payments that can be regarded as income.

When U.S. tax information does not exactly match IRS records, the KDP Account tax status will show that further information is necessary and needs updates in the Tax Interview within 30 days. We must receive updated information within this period or we will suspend your publishing rights.

Check the status of your U.S. tax information anytime under the “Tax Information” section of your KDP Account. Validated U.S. tax information will show a Tax Account Status of “Completed.” For more information on your tax account status, visit our help article.

Start the tax interview

Video: Filling out the KDP U.S. tax interview

  1. Go to your account page.
  2. Under "My Account," click Tax Information.
  3. Click Complete Tax Information. If you're updating your tax information, click View/Provide Tax Information.

Answer all questions and enter all information requested during the interview. You may retake the interview anytime your information or circumstances change. You can check the status of your tax information anytime under the "Tax Information" section of your KDP account. Validated tax information will show a status of "Completed."

If you had previously provided your tax information, the system will populate it under Tax Profile. You can rather Confirm or Update the information on file.

Tips for non-U.S. publishers

Completing the tax interview

Unless you change the default marketplaces during your title setup, you'll sell on the U.S. Amazon Marketplace. From those sales you are paid royalties. Royalties are considered taxable income in the U.S. U.S. tax regulations require Amazon to collect information about the tax status of content providers under U.S. law. The tax interview guides you through a step-by-step process and gathers all necessary information required to establish your tax identity and generate a Form W-8. The default withholding rate is 30%, but you may be eligible for a reduced rate if your country of tax residence has a tax treaty with the U.S. Check to see if your country has a treaty with the U.S.: United States Income Tax Treaties - A to Z. Still have questions? Please contact the IRS.

Note: Your W-8 will expire after four years, at which point you will need to retake the tax interview to generate a new one. If you are currently using a reduced country witholding rate, it will default back to 30% if you allow the W-8 to expire.

Tax Identification Number (TIN)

A Tax Identification Number or TIN is the number you use to identify yourself with taxing authorities. This could be:
  • Your country's Tax Identification Number
  • An Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)
  • Employer Identification numbers (EIN) for businesses.

Most countries have a tax identification number. If you are unsure if your country has one, you can contact your local tax authority. If your country doesn't have any of the three types of TINs mentioned above, you can apply for a U.S. TIN on the IRS website. It can take up to seven weeks to complete this process once your application has been submitted.

For more information about how to apply for a U.S. TIN, visit: Applying for a U.S. TIN (Taxpayer ID Number)

For more information, visit:

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