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2 – Prepare Your Manuscript

Formatting your book to prepare for publishing can be challenging. However, KDP has a number of tools and resources to help you format your manuscript. You’re welcome to use your own local software to create your book elements. For the purposes of this guide, however, we’re sharing the simplest way to approach each format type.

Download a Template
If you plan to publish your book in both eBook and print formats, we recommend starting with one of our manuscript templates. Even if you only plan to publish eBooks now, this will save you time if you decide to create print versions in the future.

To select a template, you’ll need to determine what trim size you want for your printed book. The trim size will be the final size of your physical printed book.

Jumpstart Tip

The most common trim size for books in the U.S. is 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm). If you're unsure which size to pick, find books with content similar to yours to get an idea of what readers expect.

Note: Printing costs will vary depending on your selected trim size.

You can find a complete list of the trim sizes available through KDP in Print Options.

Once you’ve determined your trim size, visit Paperback and Hardcover Manuscript Templates to download and customize your template.

Jumpstart Tip

Keep in mind, the information in your template (for example, the book title and author name) needs to exactly match the book details you’ll enter in 4 - Title Setup: Book Details, Content, & Pricing. This will later impact your book’s detail page on Amazon. It’s very important to keep this information consistent.

Prepare Your Manuscript for Upload
How you’ll create your manuscript will differ based on your selected book format.

Select your format below to expand the KDP Jumpstart instructions for each:


Print book

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