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Sign in Issues


Access your account

  1. Sign in to KDP
  2. Click Your Account at the top of the page
  3. Follow the instructions for two-step verification
  4. Once you’ve successfully passed two-step verification, your account page will open.

Moved from CreateSpace? Learn which email to use on KDP to access your books.


Below are some of the most common causes of sign in issues:

  • Email Address: Your email address must be in the format username@domain.com (or .net, .org, etc.). If you have more than one email address, make sure you're using the correct email address and password combination.
  • Mobile Phone Number: If you created your account with a mobile phone number, you'll need to use your mobile phone number to log into your account. Make sure that you're including your country code in your mobile phone number.
  • Password: Check CAPS Lock and NUM Lock on your keyboard. Passwords are case sensitive, so "PASSWORD" and "Password" are recognized as two different passwords. If you're sure you're using the correct email address or mobile phone number, try our Password Reset page, if you haven’t received an email from Amazon, check your Junk or Spam folder.
  • Multiple Accounts Sometimes multiple accounts are created if you visit Amazon and accidentally indicate that you're a new customer when you sign in. This creates another account with the same email address and a different password. To fix this, sign out of the current account and then sign back in again with the email and password associated with your KDP account.

My Bookshelf is empty

This may occur due to multiple accounts accidentally created when you sign in, or when using an email address unrelated to your KDP account.

To fix this, sign out of the current account and then sign back in again with the email and password associated with your KDP account. We recommend clearing any saved passwords from your browser before signing in again.

If you don’t remember your password, click Forgot your password?

Browser Errors

You may see a variety of web error messages when accessing web pages. These error messages are delivered to your browser whenever an error occurs while loading a requested page.

Error 404 Not Found.
You may see this error message in multiple scenarios:
  • When trying to access a page that doesn’t or no longer exists.
  • When signing-in in to your KDP account, this error message means your account is closed. The best option to help you is to reply to the email message sent to you regarding the status of your account.

Error Message 500, Internal Server Error.
This error message means there is a technical problem with the web server, indicating the KDP website may be down for maintenance or is overloaded by excessive users at one time. Many times, this error is temporary and you can check back again after 10-15 minutes.

Two-Step Verification Issues

Having sign-in issue with two-step verification? Visit Two-Step Verification.
Still having sing-in issues? Contact Us. If you need help with settings in your Amazon customer account, contact Amazon Customer Service.

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