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Hardcover Print Elements

When you receive a hardcover book, you'll notice different print elements used to create the case laminate cover. Review the below images and definitions to learn more:

Open hardcover book

Closed hardcover book

  1. Cover. We print hardcover books using case laminate. To create the cover, we wrap your printed cover around two mm thick solid case board and finish it with a glossy or matte lamination.
  2. Book block. The pages of your interior file that have been printed and glued together into a single unit, then trimmed around the edges. This is the interior of your book.
  3. Wrap. Portion of the cover file that wraps around the case board and is glued to the inside cover.
  4. Endsheet. The paper glued to the inside of a hardcover case. Endsheets are white or cream, to match your book's interior paper color.
  5. Spine. The outside edge of the book where the pages are gathered and bound. A hardcover spine is flat, with a black-and-white headband at the top and bottom of the book if your manuscript is more than 120 pages.
  6. Hinge. When you open the book, the cover bends here.

Learn more about the print options we offer for hardcover and paperback books.

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