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Quality Notifications Dashboard

To make it easier to manage and fix open quality items in your eBooks, we've created the Quality Notifications Dashboard. To learn about the quality items we see most frequently, see the Guide to Kindle Content Quality.

How it works

Video: Quality Notifications Dashboard (no audio)

Step 1

Go to the Quality Notifications Dashboard

If we find an item that will improve the quality in your eBook or a customer reports one, we'll send you an email directing you to the Quality Notifications Dashboard, where you'll get a detailed view of each individual item. (You can also access the Dashboard through the banner on your Bookshelf.) The Dashboard lets you filter by attributes like:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Status (e.g., suppressed, warning)
  • Category (e.g., eBook content, metadata)
  • Notification type (e.g., issue, update)

Step 2

Review items

On titles with quality notifications, you'll see each notification type (e.g., issue, update, recommendation), the category (e.g., image quality, typo, formatting), as well as notes and suggested updates (e.g., image is blurry, change "ad" to "and").

Step 3

Make corrections

After you've reviewed the items, you tell us if you're going to fix them or if they're not an issue by clicking one of five buttons: 1) I will fix, 2) Not an issue, 3) Cannot fix, 4) Appeal (updates), or 5) Decline (recommendations). You don't have to fix all items at once. You can fix one, a few, or all in one session. It's up to you. If you are responding to multiple similar items and would like to add the same response, you can activate the batch actions menu by clicking the checkbox in the upper-left corner of the item. 

Not sure which button to click? Some examples:

  • There's a typo. Click I will fix.
  • There's an intentional misspelling (a character speaks a dialect or uses non-standard grammar). Click Not an issue.
  • Your book has an old photograph that's blurry and won't have high resolution. Click Cannot fix.
  • There's an incorrect change in the language metadata. Click Appeal.
  • You prefer not to add keywords to your book's metadata. Click Decline.

We recommend that you add comments if you choose Not an issueCannot fix or Appeal. Then we know why something's not an issue.

Step 4

Upload revised files

After you click I will fix and Submit your response, fix the issues within your files and upload your revised files for review:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Click the ellipsis button ("") under KINDLE EBOOK ACTIONS next to the book you want to upload.
  3. Choose Edit eBook Content.
  4. In the Manuscript section, click Upload eBook manuscript.
  5. Find your manuscript file on your computer and click Open. After we finish converting your file, a confirmation is displayed. This can take 5–7 minutes.
  6. Click Save and Continue. This takes you to the Pricing page.
  7. Click Publish at the bottom of the Pricing page.

We'll review your revised files within 3 days.

Learn about making changes to your book details

Step 5

Track review status

To track review status, you can filter by tabs that correspond to the review steps:

  1. Review. We're waiting for you to tell us you're fixing the items, declining our recommendations, or that they're not issues.
  2. Make corrections. You've told us you'll fix the issues and will upload the revised files, but you haven't uploaded them yet.
  3. Under review by Amazon. You've uploaded the revised file and we're checking the new content or you've told us an item is not an issue and we're reviewing your response. 
  4. Resolved. We've verified that you've fixed the issues. Learn more about notifying customers about eBook updates.
If you want to change your response or ask a question about an item, you can click More Options to let us know.

Note: If we review your response and find an item still needs to be corrected because it is still present in your latest file or it violates our quality guidelines, we will label it Reopened and return it to the Review tab. Until all issues are resolved, you'll receive an email a month pointing you to the Dashboard.

Export notifications to Excel

Video: Exporting quality notifications to Excel

To export your quality items to Excel:

  1. Go to the Quality Notifications Dashboard.
  2. Click Export all items or Export current view if you are using filters. . 
  3. Enter a name for your report. The report will be ready in 2–5 minutes.
  4. Click Go to Export History.
  5. Click the Download button next to the report.

Personal information

The Dashboard isn't designed to store personal information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and credit card numbers. If you enter personal information in the Internal Notes or Comments fields, the Dashboard will ask you to remove it when you submit your response. If you don't remove the information, the Dashboard will automatically remove it when you submit your response.

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