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What criteria does my eBook's cover image need to meet?

The cover image you upload will appear on your Amazon detail page. You can choose to upload your own cover image or you can use our free Cover Creator tool to design a cover for your Kindle eBook or paperback. Cover Creator is only supported in the following browser versions: Chrome 70+, Edge 79+, Firefox 63+, Safari 14+. Make sure you have the latest version of your browser installed.

Note: Before you start creating your cover, make sure it complies with our Content Guidelines, and you have all rights necessary for the content of your cover image.

Cover specifications

The format and quality of your eBook's cover image must meet the following specifications. If your image does not meet this criteria, it may not be approved for use.

Format TIFF (.tif/.tiff) or JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg) format
Dimensions Ideal dimensions for cover files are 2,560 pixels in height x 1,600 pixels in width. For best quality, particularly on high definition devices, your image should be 2500 pixels in height.

Minimum dimensions of 1000 pixels in height and 625 pixels in width. Cover image should not exceed 10,000 pixels in height and in width.

Note: We apply additional compression to images when displaying them on the website. For the best results, upload your images with minimal compression.
Image ratio An ideal height/width ratio of at least 1.6:1, meaning: For every 1,000 pixels in width, the image should be 1,600 pixels in height.
DPI (dots per inch) 72 dpi
Size Your cover image must be less than 50MB.

Note: Try to avoid compressing your files. This can affect the quality of your cover when displayed on reading devices. For the best results, images should have a minimum resolution of 300 PPI (pixels per inch).
Color profile RGB (red, green, blue).

Note: Make sure to save your image without color separation. This is usually a pre-press or color palette option. Use your image editing program or image analysis tool (some are available free online) to verify that your image file doesn't have color separation.
Borders Cover art with white or very light backgrounds can seem to disappear against the white background. Try adding a narrow (3-4 pixel) border in medium gray to define the boundaries of the cover.

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