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Kindle Vella

We're introducing a new storytelling option: Kindle Vella. With Kindle Vella, U.S. based authors can publish serialized stories, one short episode at a time. Readers can explore Kindle Vella stories in the Kindle app by going to the Discover tab in app on iOS devices or the Store tab in app on Android and Fire devices and tapping the Kindle Vella link, and they can also visit the Kindle Vella store at http://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella.

Learn more and start a story today:


Learn how readers find and interact with stories. Learn more.


Start a story now or learn more about how to create a story and enter your story details.


Instructions to publish an episode. Learn more.


Outlines what content to include in a Kindle Vella story and episodes. Learn more.


Explains royalty earnings, how to access reports, and payments. Learn more.


Have questions about starting a Kindle Vella story? Visit the KDP Community to discuss Kindle Vella with other authors and get your questions answered.

Frequently asked questions

1. What kind of content should I publish?

Kindle Vella stories should be written specifically to be released in a serial format, one 600–5,000 word episode at a time. We have found readers particularly enjoy stories that are frequently updated with new episodes. We recommend taking our best practices into consideration when deciding whether your content will work well for Kindle Vella.

If you have a story in serial format that is available elsewhere, you can also publish it with Kindle Vella. To ensure a good customer experience, Kindle Vella does not accept content that is freely available. Learn more about our content guidelines.

2. Do I have to unpublish my Kindle Vella story to publish it as a book?

You don’t need to unpublish your Kindle Vella story in order to publish your story in a long-form format, such as an eBook, paperback, hardcover book, or audiobook. You can turn Kindle Vella episodes, that have been available to readers in the Kindle Vella store for at least 30 days, into long-form content. Learn more about our content guidelines.

If you publish an eBook, or other long-form version, of your Kindle Vella story, we suggest you let readers know that the story was previously published in Kindle Vella, in your book’s product description. This will help avoid misunderstandings for readers who may have already used Tokens to read the same story. Additionally, update the story description to let readers know if the story or some episodes are available in another format.

For example:
eBook description: Previously published as [Story Title] [Episodes 1-10] on Kindle Vella.
Story description: Also available as an eBook [eBook title].

3. How do readers find my Kindle Vella story?

Readers can explore Kindle Vella stories in the Kindle app by going to the Discover tab in app on iOS devices or the Store tab in app on Android and Fire devices and tapping the Kindle Vella link, and they can also visit the Kindle Vella store at http://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella.

To see your story in the Kindle Vella store:
  1. Go to your Kindle Vella Library.
  2. Scroll to the story you want to view.
  3. Click the ASIN to go to the detail page.
You can copy and share this link to promote your story.

4. How do I earn royalties through Kindle Vella?

Our compensation model for Kindle Vella includes both royalties and an ongoing bonus program. You’re eligible for a monthly bonus based on customer activity and publishing activity. For royalties, you earn 50% of what readers spend on the Tokens used to unlock your story’s episodes. To make it easy for readers to find stories they love, the first 10 episodes of every story are free. Readers cab unlock any paid episode for 10 Tokens each. Learn more about Token pricing and royalties.

5. What are Faves and crowns?

Readers who purchase Tokens can crown a weekly Fave for the story they enjoyed most that week. We feature the most Faved stories in the Kindle Vella store. If your story is Top Faved by readers, it will appear with a crown above the story image in the Kindle Vella store and in the Top Faved list. The Top Faved list changes based on Fave activity from readers, so you may see your story move on and off the list. Learn more about reader engagement. To boost your reader engagement, consider following our best practices.

6. Where is Kindle Vella publishing available?

Kindle Vella publishing is currently available to publishers who reside in the U.S. to publish stories in English.

7. How do I format my story image?

Upload a square image, with any important visuals centered. Follow the story image instructions to format and upload your image.

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