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Why are my books not linked on Amazon?

You published multiple formats of the same book but they aren’t showing together on the Amazon detail page. This is caused by differences in the details that you entered for each format.
Linking Amazon detail pages of eBook, paperback, and hardcover books provides the ideal browsing experience for customers. If you have an eBook, paperback, and hardcover with the same metadata and it matches completely, their detail pages should link automatically a week after each edition is live.

Amazon attempts to link book's formats based on all these details matching:

Kindle eBook PaperbackHardcover
EditionEdition Edition
N/AInterior type (B&W or Color)Interior type (B&W or Color)

If the detail pages are not linked, verify if:

  • All the details mentioned above match between the all the formats you've chosen (eBook, paperback, hardcover).
  • Timelines have been completed. The linking process usually takes up to 1 week after each edition is live. Check our Help page for details on timelines.

Contact us if the detail pages still aren't linked after these checks. Provide the ASIN of the eBook and the 10-digit ISBN number of the paperback or hardcover.

Important: Detail page linking can be done only if the metadata matches, all formats are published through KDP, and under the same account.

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