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Holiday Season FAQ

To find answers to commonly asked questions, review our FAQ below. If you have a question that isn’t covered below, try asking the KDP Community.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Proof and author copies Book updates and formatting issues

Proof and Author Copies

1. How do I order proof or author copies of my book?

For instructions on ordering copies, visit How do I order a proof or author copy?

Note: Once your book goes Live, it can take an additional 24 hours for the option to order proof and author copies to become available in your Bookshelf.

There are some regions where you may need to order your proof or author copy from a different marketplace. For instructions, visit Which country should I order from?

2. What are the costs for proof and author copies?

When you order proof or author copies through your KDP Account, you’ll pay the author price for your own books. The author price can be calculated by multiplying the printing cost for your book in your selected marketplace times the number of copies ordered.

The print options you’ve chosen, such as trim size, interior type, page count, determine the print cost for your book. Print cost for proof and author copies does not include shipping charges or taxes. On Amazon.com, any applicable shipping charge and sales tax will be applied at checkout. For European orders, local VAT will be applied at checkout.

You won’t receive any royalties for the purchase of a proof or author copy, and proof or author copy orders won’t appear in your KDP Reports. You’ll be able to view any past orders in your Amazon order history.

3. What are the costs to ship proof or author copies?

The total shipping charge for an order depends on several factors, including how many items are in the order and how quickly you need those items to arrive. Shipping rates and times depend on the shipping speed and the weight/size of the items.

4. Can I use Prime shipping/can my shipping be expedited?

Proof and author copy orders are not eligible for Amazon Prime. All available shipping options and delivery estimates will be presented to you at checkout. Customer service is unable to increase the shipping speed on your order.

5. When will my proof or author copy arrive?

If you’ve placed an order and want to know when it will arrive, you can track the status of your order by visiting the Returns & Orders page of the Amazon marketplace where you placed your order. For example, if you ordered from Amazon.com, you’ll go to Amazon.com and follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the Amazon site where you placed the order (e.g., Amazon.com, Amazon.fr, etc)
  2. From Your Account, click the Your Orders button to access your order history.
  3. Locate the order you wish to track, and click the Track Package button. If there is no Track Package button, your order has not yet shipped, however you will still see a delivery estimate, or Arriving date, on the order.
For more information, visit When will my proof or author copy arrive?

6. My proof or author copy arrived damaged or defective.

To find instructions for damaged or defective copies, visit Proof and Author Copies.

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Book updates and formatting questions

7. What book formats and print options are available?

With KDP, you can make your book available in eBook, paperback, and hardcover formats. For information about our trim size, ink, and paper options by format, visit Print Options.

8. How can I make formatting updates to my book?

We recommend visiting our formatting guides for eBook, paperback, or hardcover. eBooks, paperbacks, and hardcover books each have different formatting guidelines, so we suggest reviewing each resource separately.

9. How can I troubleshoot formatting issues with my book?

To troubleshoot issues with paperback or hardcover books, visit Fix Paperback and Hardcover Formatting Issues. For eBooks, visit Format Your eBook.

10. How can I set or update my book categories?

To learn how to add or update your book categories, visit KDP Categories.

11. How do I link my eBook to my print books?

For instructions on linking your books, visit Link Your Books Together.

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