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Payment Thresholds

EFT Payments do not have a threshold. This means you'll be paid electronically in full no matter the amount accrued.* For Check and WIRE payments, there is a minimum threshold in each marketplace after deducting the applicable tax withholding. Your royalties accrue separately for each Amazon marketplace and must meet the minimum amount for your selected payment method in the local marketplace currency before you can receive a payment.

Local Marketplace CurrencyEFT ThresholdCheck ThresholdWire
 Amazon.com $0 $100 USD
$100 USD
 Amazon.co.uk £0  £100  £100
 Amazon.es, .it, .fr, .nl, .de
 €0  €100 €100
 Amazon.ca $0 CAD  $100 CAD $100 CAD
 Amazon.com.br R$0/$0
 $100 USD$100 USD
 $0 MXN $100 USD
$1,000 MXN
 Amazon.co.jp ¥ 0
 $100 USD ¥ 10,000
 Amazon.in Rs 0 / $0 USD
 $100 USD $100 USD
 Amazon.com.au $0 AUD
 $100 USD$100 AUD

*Note: When converting local royalty earnings to a different currency and/or withholding any applicable tax, the amount to be paid after conversion/withholding must meet the minimum amount banks will allow us to send. Read more about tax withholding for U.S. publishers and non-U.S. publishers.

Threshold not met in a single month

If your royalty earnings fall below the threshold for check and wire payments, we will keep a running total and issue payment once the amount exceeds the minimum threshold. Your payment occurs 60 days after the end of the month in which your royalties meet the threshold.

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