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Printing Costs and Royalty Calculator

Printing costs will change on Jun 20, 2023

Use this calculator to determine your book's printing cost, minimum list price, and royalties after printing costs change on Jun 20, 2023. You can also visit the Pricing tab for each of your live print books to compare your minimum list price, printing costs, and royalty amount by marketplace both before and after the printing costs change. Learn about printing cost changes

Printing cost depends on which Amazon marketplace (website) your paperback or hardcover was ordered from. Costs also vary depending on page count, ink type (black ink or color ink), and trim size. Bleed settings and cover finish don't affect printing cost. Use this calculator to determine your paperback and hardcover printing cost, minimum list price, and royalties.

This calculator doesn't include Expanded Distribution estimates. If your book is eligible and enrolled in Expanded Distribution, the minimum list price will be different.

Figures generated by this tool are for estimation purposes only.

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