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A+ Content Guidelines

Follow these guidelines to create text and images for your A+ content. Amazon has specific terms and policies regarding types of content that may not be allowed, so review the following list carefully. Violating these guidelines may lead to a rejection by our system, potential removal of your ASIN, or both.

You must have all necessary rights for the images and text. Our existing Content Guidelines also apply.


Fix top content issues

Before you submit, check these common rejection reasons to ensure your content isn't rejected by our system.

  • Pricing or promotional details. Do not include pricing, promotional details or discounts, promotion references such as “affordable,” “bonus," “free,” or language directing customers to purchase such as "buy now," "add to cart," "get yours now," or "shop with us.”
  • Customer reviews. We don't allow customer reviews in A+ Content. To add Editorial Reviews to your books, check Amazon Author Central to create an Author Page and share additional information about your book.
  • Time-sensitive information. Do not mention time sensitive information such as now, new, latest, yet, on sale now, the latest product, the best yet, or references to holidays. This includes references to Kindle Unlimited.
  • Publication quotes. A maximum of four quotes or endorsements is allowed. Quotes should only be from well-known publications or public figures and must be accompanied by the author, and if citing a publication, the title.
If you receive a rejection, follow the direction to resolve the issue and resubmit your A+ Content.

Image and text formatting

  • Supported image file types include: jpg and png in the RGB colorspace. CYMK colorspace is not supported. Individual files must remain under 2 MB. Resolution should be at least 72 dpi. The use of animated images (for example, GIF) is prohibited.
  • The use of blurry or low quality images and images with watermarks or small text that is unreadable when shown on mobile devices is not allowed.
  • Submitting image alt-text (previously known as image keywords) that does not describe the image and that would not be useful for a customer using a screen reader application can result in content rejection.
  • Images and text must be unique to A+. Avoid reusing the same images that are currently published in the image gallery of the page. A+ Content is intended to showcase unique aspects of the product.
  • Include only one brand logo and only icons that help customers navigate through the text. Logos and symbols from partner companies do not need to be used, but may be allowed if logical or beneficial. You must have all necessary rights to use brand logos or symbols.
  • Spell out all numbers under 10, use consistent punctuation and serial (oxford) commas, and capitalize each major word in a header. Grammatical errors, punctuation errors, misspellings, strings of all-caps text, abusing font features, or unnecessary or repeated information can result in content rejection. Bold and italic formatting are only intended to be used to highlight headings or a few, select words.
  • Content written in languages other than the one specified in the content, including HTML tags, is not permitted.

Claims and awards

  • When referencing awards or endorsements, include a note in the text with the date when the awards or endorsements were achieved and the organization granting the award. Do not mention awards received more than 2 years ago.
  • Certification claims (e.g., recommended by, certified, tested, approved, proven, validated, etc) and awards must be substantiated by a note in the text with certifying or awarding body, study, publication or other evidence, and year.
  • Environmental claims with words like “eco-friendly,” “biodegradable,” and “compostable,” including their symbols, are not allowed either in text or in images. Claims that a product is “recyclable”/”ecological” must be substantiated by a note in the text with supporting information, such as materials used or certifying body and year.
  • Satisfaction claims (for example, “100% satisfaction guaranteed”), and boastful claims such as "#1 rated," "top-rated," and so on are not allowed.
  • Remove any claims to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent diseases in humans or animals or both regarding drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, beverages, food, and health products (including natural health products, vitamins, and supplements). Other claims regarding drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, beverages, food, and health products (including natural health products, vitamins, and supplements) as well as any general claims require a note in the text to substantiate them.

Content restrictions

  • Guarantee information, including references to off-Amazon return or refund policies, is strictly forbidden in A+ Content.
  • Any violations to the KDP Terms and Conditions and Content Guidelines are prohibited.
  • Do not include any shipping details (for example, “free shipping”), QR barcodes, or personal information such as phone number, address, or email on the A+ page.
  • No quotes or attributions may be made in A+ content to individuals, customers, or other private figures. A maximum of four quotes or endorsements is allowed, and these should only be from well-known publications or public figures and must be accompanied by the author, and if citing a publication, the title.
  • Do not reference or compare products with competitors, regardless of how competitors are mentioned (for example, specific names, described as “other(s)”, or otherwise). This content is intended to build the brand and provide additional product details, not to discuss competitors.
  • Comparison charts may only compare against other books in your KDP account.
  • Do not include pricing, promotional details or discounts, promotion references such as “affordable,” “cheap,, “bonus," “free,” or language directing customers to purchase such as "buy now," "add to cart," "get yours now," or "shop with us.”
  • Do not mention time sensitive information such as now / new / latest / yet / on sale now / the latest product / the best yet, or references to holidays.
  • Trademarks and copyright symbols are acceptable if they’re of reasonable size and either already included on product packaging or always displayed as part of the logo or both. Stand-alone symbols otherwise are never allowed. Any trademark or copyright symbols must be removed from text copy.
  • Web links or language attempting to redirect to other sites inside or outside of Amazon (including your other products) are prohibited.
  • We don’t sell certain content including content that we determine is hate speech, promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children, contains pornography, glorifies rape or pedophilia, advocates terrorism, or other material we deem inappropriate or offensive. Learn more about our Content Guidelines.
  • References to off-Amazon customer service or contact information are prohibited (for example, "contact us if you have problems," phone numbers, contact email).
  • Images or text that attempt to mimic Amazon logos, detail page headings, or details allowed are not permitted. References to Amazon-supported programs or branded products are permitted.

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