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How to publish children's books on KDP


Illustrated Books

Download the Kindle Kids' Book Creator tool to prepare your illustrated kids book. This tool supports importing a file from PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG and PPM formats. Use the links below to download for Mac or PC or learn more about Kindle Kids' Book Creator.

Mac OS X 10.7 or later

Windows 7 or later

Chapter Books and Young Adult

Prepare your manuscript using Microsoft Word or any similar program. In addition to doc/docx, KDP also supports HTML, Mobi, ePub and many other formats. KDP will automatically convert your book for Kindle so you do not need to work with complex conversion tools. Download the official guide to learn more about preparing a professional-quality digital file of your book: Building Your Book For Kindle.


Sign in to KDP by using your Amazon account or create a new one. Enter the required title information (your book title, author name etc.) and use our Age and Grade tools to help readers find your book in Kindle Stores worldwide. You can use KDP's Cover Creator tool to create a book cover or upload your own. Select the territories you have the rights to sell your title in and click publish.


Get access to Amazon's powerful marketing tools including personalized widgets such as 'More items to consider...' and 'Customers With Similar Searches Purchased...'. Enroll your book in KDP Select to earn higher royalties, reach new readers through the Kindle Owners' Lending Library and gain access to powerful merchandising tools like Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions. Learn more about KDP Select.

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